The First Day !!

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Hi Everyone thanks for reading the first part.... I'm a bit new so tell me if there any kind off errors in sections of the story .... Thanks a lot :)

Jazz's Pov :- Yeah now I have to believe that I'm here ... And yes it is a country side like seriously how can dad do this to me.. Well you all might be wondering how did I got here in this small state directly from New York. It's like the person who owns the college happens to be my uncle and I don't know why did they decided to make me enter in this college out of all.. When I scored so well in my high school. But they wanted there so called daughter to study in this college made from their funds cherished from there own hands. And wanted me too shine bright like a diamond here in this college.. Like why this college ?? Can't you build a college some place near my house.. But  they made it here to promote medical health and it's  considered the first largest in whole state of Virginia. It's a pharmacy college.. Yeah right I'm a medical student from my high school... As the car drove inside the gates it's like my breath was on hold like a millions of thoughts were in my head and we're just making my heart beat rise like anything... I looked at the structure of the college where walls were painted in the shades of turquoise with a faint smell of the dried grass was entering my nose.. A usual glass work was there and made it look real old no wonder it was 25 years old... The normal tress were there on the pathway and the usual group of children stood at the gate and at the passage until the main gate arrived. I came out of the car dressed in a blue top and my lowers.. Like how appropriate my dressing was at the first day of my college... I got a few glares from the girl's coming outside of the gate.. And I instantly came close to my mom. Like how mature of you jazz don't you know you have to leave them in a matter of few hours and then you're all alone here. How wise of you to take the shelter of your mother and how long will it last.... Dad gave a concerned look as he told me to come next to him and stay with him. I just gripped my mom's hand real hard now as she felt it standing next to me and hugged me from the side. Telling me that I'm gonna be okay.
Mom :- It's okay love you're gonna be fine it's just a college not a haunted house.
Me :- But mom look at the people here they are so different and speak a different language.
Mom :- Baby it's okay.. You'll learn it quickly I know that your a quick learner.
Dad :- Can you discuss later baby cause we have to meet the director of the college.
Me :- Yeah sure dad !! I said as I gave him a broken smile.
The reception area and the main entrance was combined as the glass doors were open and we entered inside the college. To my left side were the cabin's of the vice president and all. But in the front was of my director like yeah my principal. I don't know how will he be and how he looks... Was he very strict or was way to lineint... As I was standing there wondering about all these things.. My mom shook me hard.
Mom :- Baby where are you lost ?? I need to use the restroom can you ask someone where it is ??
Me :- Hold on !!
I went straight to the the peon working there with some papers and asked him the way to the rest room. He told me to walk straight and pass the garden and then climb straight through the stairs and I'll get the the washroom on the right...
I came back to mom and told her the way .. All this time dad was in the office dealing with some paperwork. So my mom asked me to take her there to which I reluctantly agreed too. We walked straight to the lawn.. Like they had a pretty garden in the middle of the buildings which was covered by the sunshine.. It's 21st July today and the sun was already making  it way to hard with the hot weather. I was walking with my mom as we came close to the stairs I told her to go to the washroom as I'll wait here for her cause I was too lazy to climb the stairs. Mom went upstairs and I sat there waiting for her. There was class on the way.. I looked at my watch it was 10:24 am sharp. But I was instantly thrown somewhere else with this noise as I looked upwards to see the source of it. The class at the bottom was the point the noise was coming from.  The teacher came out and with her a few students talking to her. I looked at the entrance of the class there was glass doors present their. I continued to watch as I saw a group of few boys come out ... I observed harder now and noticed a healthy guy with a friend of his wearing reflectors.. I burst out laughing in my head like seriously how can someone were reflectors inside the class with a army print shirt. Great fashion sense keep it up boy. I was wondering if there were more people like this when I looked at this guy... He was really tall like maybe 6'0 and was wearing a half t shirt with blue jeans and white Nike's. That's better !! God save him for wearing the right clothes all this time. I watched him come out and stood next to the boy with the reflectors. He was holding some books and a lab coat in his hands and was smiling talking to him. As they both started to walk I leaned a bit forward to see where they go. But got surprised with a hand on my shoulder. Gosh mom !! Stop scaring me like this..
Mom :- Hi !!
Me :- It takes this long seriously ??
Mom :- I was adjusting my clothes and hair .. they got messed up from sitting in the car.
Me :- Okay
I looked back to see where did that guy go ... But it's like they vanished.
Shit lost them !! Fine we'll catch up later.
Mom :- Spanked my head !! Why are you so lost today ??
Me :- Sorry !
C'mon let's go..

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