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I raced down the stairs of my giant mansion, and I mean giant as in 4 stories and the width and length is equal to about 1 acre. Oh ya I'm telling a story continuing on, I almost ran into my dad, Harry Potter, The boy who lived, ect oh ya story, anyways he was getting ready to go to diagonal alley with me. My older brother James was already going into his 3rd year. Anyways once my dad finished getting ready he walked into the floo powder room. We all got in at once and shouted "Diagon Alley!"

A giant castle was racing into view, James said "That is Hogwarts school of witch craft and wizardry blah blah blah, I'm great at showing people the best wizarding school in the world!"

I sighed, my brother was such a jokester and it is so annoying. One time he got a fake wand from the Weasley's shop and said he bought me a wand I grabbed it and POP!!! IT TURNED INTO A CHICKEN OMG!!! OMG!!!! OMG!!! It should have been a professor... By the way I was kidding about being excited about a chicken. Once we pulled up at the station my brother raced off to see his friends. I, on the other hand, carefully got my trunk and snowy owl, I decided to name it Hedwig after dad's bird, anyways suddenly my stuff disappeared! I decided just to get off the train. A big hairy man was standing there shouting "FIRST YEARS OVER HERE!" I decided to follow him. We ended up in front of a giant lake with some boats in it. I didn't know anyone so I chose an empty boat. Soon a boy joined me.

"Hi I'm Nathan Young and I like to do a few naughty things once in a while but normally I'm a good student. And you are?"

"Albus Potter, it would be a miracle if I did something bad."

Soon the boats were pulled into the water and we were moving. It wasn't too long of a ride. The entire time me and Nathan talked about our life the houses the mysteries we'd heard about. Once we got to shore a man at the foot of the gates said "Follow me." We walked through the castle until we were in front of huge oak doors suddenly they swung open. There were four tables full of people some wearing blue robes some wearing red, green, and yellow. In the front of the room there was a stool with a strange looking hat on it. The Professor walked us up to the chair and said "I will call your name and then you will come up and I will place the hat atop your head."

The Professor named people until he got to "Potter, Albus."

He placed the hat atop my head "hmm another Potter I think "GRYFFINDOR"

Albus Potter - A New ThreatWhere stories live. Discover now