Embarrassing Story

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One day my best friend and I were at her aunt’s house and this cute boy was there. The boy was playing a game on the XBOX 360. Please keep in mind there was a little fence like the ones they use for babies. Well, my friends went over it including my best friend. When she was attempting to go over it her foot got stuck and she fell. The boy asked if she was okay, but she was embarrassed because she fell with the gate.


In 6th grade I went to school feeling very sick, I just decide to ignore it and go. Halfway through the day I got EXTREMELY nauseous. So I ask the teach if I could go to the nurse and of course she said yes. Ok so the nurses office has its own bathroom but there's also a bathroom across (An unusually large) hall. I didn't know I could use the Nurse's bathroom so I started running to the other bathroom across the hall, I was too late. I vomited all over my hands, the door knob, made a trail of puke to the toilet. It ended up in my hair and everything. It was so gross I started crying and then a teacher came and helped me clean up. When I got back to the nurse she said "You know you could've used the bathroom here." -_-


- I was at school in my senior year, going to science when I felt a sudden cramp in my stomach so I asked the teacher if I could go to the bathroom to which he said no. So I went back to my seat at which point it started to hurt more and more. 

While I was sitting the teacher gave us partners for the science project, he assigned me with the cutest guy in school, so he came to sit next to me and noticed that I didn't feel well and I said that I was ok. Finally the cramps went away and I felt much better but what I didn't notice is that I had my period on my partners white shoes!

Everyone in class started laughing and I wondered why so I looked down and saw that I had my period on myself and my partners shoes...I felt like i wanted to die.


My most embarrassing moment was at pony camp last year.

I was riding my horse Popcorn when he jumped and I fell off, into a pile of horse poo! 

OMTG it was so embarrassing!


Well, it was track season in Sixth grade and the girls had to work with the boys. I hated co-ed PE and thought that you always had to impress people to get them to like you. 

After we changed into our PE clothes and stretched we went out to the track to do discus. It was really hard and the disc was really heavy. It was then that I realized that my bra had come undone and was hanging by a string. I couldn't re-hook it now because all the boys were watching, so when it came my turn I grabbed the discus and got ready to throw. My back was aching and I felt like I was going to puke - hoping that my bra wouldn't come off. As soon as I threw it, my bra made a quick snapping noise, slid off my arms and down my shirt, landing on the ground. 

All the boys and girls started laughing (including the PE teachers). 

The bad part was it was pink and lacy! 


My most embarassing moment ever was when I was in my 12th grade drama class at school one afternoon. It was nearly the end of the year and our teacher wanted to check our progress on our major drama assignments; I had chosen to make a short movie. 

Our class teacher had the idea that we all would give a critique of each other's work to date and everyone who had made a video needed to hand them in so that he could display them to the class. Well, me being the procrastinator that I am, had not started the assignment yet, so I concocted a plan to dodge any trouble that it might cause with the teacher. I planned to bring in a different tape with a tv movie on it and claim it was an accident so that I could buy myself some extra time to start the project. 

Thinking that I was the cleverest guy alive, I confidentally handed the unmarked cassette to the teacher (I chose an unmarked cassette from our video cabinet because I knew it would look suspicious if I handed him a tape that was labelled "Gone With the Wind" or something similar) and sat back to wait for my video to be shown. As luck would have it, my tape was to be shown last. The teacher put the cassette in the machine and pressed play and at first it looked like an ordinary home movie (it must have been a video from one of our family vacations, i thought) but after nearly three minutes, the entire theme of the tape changed. Now, on the screen were my parents, naked and on their bed doing what husbands and wives do. 

I think I nearly fainted with embarassment, and you can just imagine what comments I received from the other people in my class and to this day, my parents can't show their faces whenever i get together with some of my old school friends from that class. 

Luckilly, my teacher thought the embarassment of having thirty 12th graders watching your parents naked on their bed was punishment enough for not starting the assingment, so he didn't put me on detention.

Courtney J

In high school, I was Ms. Thing, I thought I was the coolest, and nothing bad could ever happen to me. 

I was in 12th grade, and I was wearing a type of skirt that was popular then, tight at the waist but it flowered out and fell above my knees, I also wore G-strings at the time. 

Anyway, I went to the restroom one day and came out of the restroom in-between classes, the hall was flooded with my peers, and for some reason they were all either laughing at me or stopping dead in there tracks. 

Finally someone told me I needed to check my rear end. The back of my skirt was tucked into my G-String and I had no idea. 

I had walked down the hall with a full moon accented with a hot pink string. 

I will never quit being embarrassed by that moment.

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