Provokingly Beautiful

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Beautiful and Thought-Provoking Quotes

Issue Number 1

By: QueenOfBooksNerds xoThatShyGirlox angelica20000

         1) "Don’t think of cost.  Think of value." -Unknown

   xoThatShyGirlox: Wow, inspiring. We all will judge a book by it's cover, but we have to always try to look in the inside. Everyone's different and unique and that's just some of the value we have.

   angelica20000: Just because something/someone is better doesn't mean they're perfect.

         2) "You cannot change what you refuse to confront." -Unknown

   xoThatShyGirlox: Don't stand in the side-lines. If you want to make a change, you have to do something. Making a difference or change is made by confronting the problem.

   angelica20000: No matter how hard you push something back, it's always going to find its way up.

      3) "Making one person smile can change the world – maybe not the whole world, but their world." -Unknown

   QueenOfBooksNerds: I think each and every person should have someone that can make them smile everyday. We all know that not everyone can have something special in their life, but it's the little things that count to most people. Making someone smile can ease the pain they have even if they didn't notice it.

   xoThatShyGirlox: Everyone's individual world is so, so important. Change their mood and they'll make a smile, it can change everything about them.

   angelica20000: When I read this quote it makes me think of a relationship or maybe a friend because they mean everything to you and you always make them happy.


"If you don’t like something, change it.  If you can’t change it, change your attitude." -Mary Angelou

   xoThatShyGirlox: You can always change your attitude with mind power. Sometimes you just have to learn to deal with things. If it's really bothering though, you would do something about it.

   angelica20000: Sometimes you're looking in the wrong place and you need to think what the problem really is.

         5)"You don't drown by falling in water;you drown by staying there." -Edwin Louis Cole

   QueenOfBooksNerds: I feel that everything has a choice on whether you like it or not, but it does affect important people in your life and the results happen for a reason that can take time to process what just happened.

   xoThatShyGirlox: This quote reminds me of a story. Sometimes, you get out of things you don't want to get out of, but if you stay there, it continues, but if you do something, there's a possibility of getting out.

   angelica20000: To me, it means sometimes you have to think before you assume the outcome.

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