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...who hurt you?
it had been a long day. though it was only 5pm, it felt like it was about 9, the day went that slow.
...but enough about the time.
what was heard was muffled crying from 1 voice and quite consoling from the other. this wasnt normal...well, it did happen quite a few times but it hasnt been as bad as this since who knows when. mario knew people who had the capability to hurt luigi...but not this badly.
luigi ended up whispering this persons name...the whisper wasnt very audible was a whisper of course...but also a shaky voice was heard as well as that. the crying continued after that, as well as the consoling.
but then, silence was in the air. no little hiccups anymore.
just... silence. mario figured it was time to let his brother go, but he ended up realising that...he had fallen asleep.
a long crying session really can knock you out.
mario got up and carried luigi to where his bed was, only to stay there for a short while.
but for mario, he put his hat on, and walked out of the house in anger.
he would gladly fight who did this.

a.n aaagh i finally wrote something!!! lol sorry ive never actually published my stories before, it would always make me worried as nobody would read them, but i want to be a writer when im older so i decided to publish something. yay!

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