chapter twelve

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chapter twelve

I awoke with not a single noise to be heard. No russling of a duvet. Not even a footstep.

I look over to the side of the bed where Brandon had decided to crash as we had been binge watching netflix.

He was not there, nor was there even a sign that he had once been there.

The covers had been tucked neatly around my body and there wasn't a single wrinkle in the sheets where Brandon had slept.

His glasses had been taken off of the bedside table where I had put them the previous night.

I rolled over to the left to see a sheet of paper on the table next to my bed.

I stretch out my hand until I could grasp it in my hand.

I bring it close to my face as my vision always seems to be a bit blurry when I wake up from a deep slumber.

Dear Effie,
My sweet, sweet Effie. If I haven't returned by the time you are reading this, I deeply apologise.

I'm out and about at the moment but I will return shortly. Well, I can't confirm this as I know not what time you will wake up.

Get dressed in the mean time though. Wear that cute, flowerly sun dress I bought you yesterday.

Put on some makeup if you wish. It doesn't matter to me as you caught my eye that day in the coffee shop with a bare face. But you also make me feel all nice inside when you put on all that lipstick and stuff too.

Get dressed, sunshine.


I re-read the note a second time, grinning to myself as I do so.

This boy is incredible.

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