chapter fifteen

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chapter fifteen

"What do you want to do next?" I ask Effie as we walk beside one other, our hands clasped together at our sides.

She glances around, her bottom lip caught in between her teeth as she did so.

Her eyes return back to me after a while and her bottom lip falls back into place and a grin settled across her face.

She drags me over to the photobooth and slipped inside, me falling right into her footsteps.

"We can take pictures to remember this day." She smiles, slipping a five dollar bill into the machine.

I look at her as she picks out the settings for the photos, admiring her beautiful face.

She turns to me when she's done,"You ready?"

I smile and nod my head.

I press the button and as the countdown begins, I lean over and connect my lips with Effie's cheek.

She lets out a laugh after the picture had been taken as I had taken it upon myself to kiss everywhere else on her face.

The second picture snaps and she lightly pushes me away, and manages to sputter a "stop," in between giggles.

I grin, then glance at the screen to see that we had five seconds before the third picture would be taken.

I look back over at Effie to find her brown eyes already looking at me.

My eyes wander down to her lips that were surely coated in that cherry chapstick, then remeet her dark eyes.

I felt something come over me as a thought slipped into my head. A thought that had been coming to my mind a lot recently.

After the third picture was taken, I felt myself start to lean in.

My mind was being overthrown with emotions and I could feel the nervous sweat building up on my palms.

Although, my mind came to an abrupt halt, when I felt her soft lips meet mine for the very first time.

From this kiss, I could confirm that she must have, for sure, applied her cherry chapstick sometime today.

𝐛𝐚𝐛𝐲; 𝐚𝐫𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐠𝐚Where stories live. Discover now