chapter twenty

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chapter twenty

It had been a whole two and a half weeks since Brandon and I had landed back home in Los Angeles.

"Do you prefer this format or this one?" I ask Brandon, switching from one format to another.

"Uhm," Brandon pauses,"The first one."

"Thank you so much, B." I say, letting out a sigh of relief,"What would I do without you."

"No problem." He replies, placing a kiss on my cheek,"Now stop stressing yourself out, Effie. Take a break."

I swivel around in my chair so that I was facing him then stand up so we were almost eye level.

"I can't help it." I tell him, beginning to rub my temples tentatively.

He lifts my chin up so I was looking up at him,"I'll run a bath for you, alright?" He says then kisses my temple.

"I'll light you some of your favorite vanilla scented candles and you can have all of your bathbombs."

"While you take a bath, I'll go pick up your ben and jerry's ice cream and then we'll have a movie night when I return."

"Sound good to you?" He asks after he finished speaking.

"Sounds incredible." I respond, giving him a smile.

He smiles back and gives me a kiss,"Good. While I start up your bath, read a book, draw, do anything besides stress, okay?"

"Okay." I nod.

He gives me another kiss before disappearing down the hall.

I grin to myself as I stood alone in my bedroom, thinking about how lucky I was to have met this boy.


Effie's chest rose and collasped as she breathed in out at a steady pace.

Her eyes were shut and she was surely lost in another time and place in her dreams.

Even though she was no longer awake, I found myself continuing to play with her hair or run my hands down the exposed skin of her stomach and back.

She had fallen asleep farely quick, having not even made it halfway through the movie.

It was completely understandable though, as she had been working diligently for the past couple days.

I admired her as she slept soundlessly, her legs tangled with my own.

As I looked down at her, I couldn't help but feel so lucky that I had the oppurtunity of having her in my arms at the moment.

I loved being able to fall asleep next to her and hear her laugh everyday.

Or if we're unable to see one another, due to our busy schedules, even just a text from her would make my day so much better.

She genuinely meant so much to me and the way she had me feeling was a way that I could never describe with words.

Having her in my life most likely made me feel more joyous than Effie when she removes her heels after a long night out.

She was one of the best things that has ever happened to me.

The past month of my life has been incredible. All because of a girl that I had met in a café at eight in the morning.

I look down at Effie as she stirs slightly in my arms, disrupting my thoughts.

As I was brought back into reality, I recalled the late hour and the fact that I had a long day in the studio tomorrow.

I let out a quiet sigh as I realized that I had to go home now as I had no clothes to change into in the morning.

I know in the morning that I'll get a text from Effie, expressing how disappointed that she was that she hadn't woken up with me beside her.

I dismiss this thought from my mind and slowly slip away from Effie, trying my best not to wake her.

Once I successfully stand on my own two feet, I get a perfect view of my gorgeous girlfriend.

I smile to myself as I notice how peaceful and content that she looked.

I bring the covers up just below her shoulders, just the way she liked it, and tuck her in.

I move the hair from without her face and lean down giving her a kiss on the cheek.

"I love you, sunshine."

The End

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