In the crisp autumn night sky, Castor was flying high in the air, clearing all the sounds and noises around him, and taking in the deep lilac sky and the bright stars above.
While on the ground, Dylan curls up outside the Luxury Coffee shop, invisible to the mortals. He holds his head in his hands, muttering.
Castor takes a last deep breath before swooping down onto the streets, invisible to the mortals as well. He walks into the coffee shop, not seeing the angel sitting on the sidewalk. He becomes visible, orders a cup of coffee and sits down, observing the mortals around him.
Dylan looks up, seeing the demon's wings immediately. Forcing his sore body to stand, he walks into the coffee shop. Keeping an eye slightly focused on Castor, Dylan orders a vanilla hot chocolate. Castor looks around the coffee shop, sees Dylan and then looks away. Quickly taking a second glance, he sees his angel wings and the glowing aura surrounding him.
Dylan turns his head in Castors direction, and Castor quickly looks away. He blushes ever so slightly under his light bangs. He grabs the hot chocolate, sitting at a table close to the door and looks out the window. Seeing Dylan in the moonlight, Castor takes in the beauty of the angel. Castor knew he was gay for a while, even before he died. All angels were beautiful, but this one was different.
Dylan can sense he is being watched. He blushes a bit more- it shows through his porcelain skin ever so slightly. He folds his wings tighter against him- though they aren't visible to humans. He takes another sip of his drink, able to see Castor through the window reflection. Castor takes one swift gulp before leaving money at the counter and exiting the shop. He takes one last glance at the angel in the shiny window before walking over to the park.
Dylan's eyes follow Castor. Finishing his drink, he pays and follows slowly behind. Castor sits on a bench and closes his eyes, revealing his full length scar. Dylan stops mid step, unsure if he should really be following the demon. He takes a breath, walking up and sitting on a bench near him."H-hey." he says softly, looking up at Castor.
Castor opens his eyes and looks at the shy angel. "Hi" he replies with a small smile
Dylan looks at the scar, "What the Hell happened to you?"
"A little straight forward don't you think?" Castor asks "I like it....but that story is for another time When I'm ready" He says softly giving Dylan a sad smile.
"S-sorry!" he yelps, blushing and looking away.
"What's your name?" Castor asks changing the subject.
"D-Dylan." He says quietly. He immediately curses himself for telling a Demon his name.
"That's a cute name. It fits you well" He compliments, looking up to the stars.
Dylan blushes even deeper, "And you a-are?"
He looks back at the now red faced angel, "Castor"
"Cool name."
He doesn't reply. He thinks back to his mother, the person who he visited before the incident. He stays silent for a while before he asks, "Do you have a stutter? Or are you just nervous?" looking over to Dylan
"N-nervous." He says as he cracks his knuckles
"Why?" Castor asks, hair flopping a bit.
"N-no reason." he says quickly, "Nice meeting you, Castor," He stands, walking off.
His head is lowered slightly as he walks out of the park and heads down the busy streets, stopping in front of an apartment complex. Dylan sighs, scratching the back of his neck before walking up the stairs to the second floor. He opens the door to an array of angry shouts, before closing the door again.
"Still..? I just want to go to sleep.." he says quietly, walking to the railing.
Spreading his wings, he leaps off and lets the wind catch him. Landing on a business corporation roof, he lays down on the edge, with his legs hang off of it comfortably.
Castor was flying above the rooftops, just after collecting an old man's life. As he flies farther from the city, he spots Dylan atop of a building. Castor quickly finds a blanket from a room in the apartment complex nearby and flies over to Dylan, his large wings stretched out.
Dylan has his head down, with rings around his eyes from lack of sleep.
Castor lands on the roof, his angel instincts controlling the actions, while his mind thinks like a demon. Telling him to leave him alone without a blanket. He decides against it, and walks over to Dylan, wings still spread at large. Blanket in his hands, he drops it and lays it on the tired angel.
Dylan's head snaps up, wide eyed until he sees it is only Castor."Oh.. hey again," he says quietly, yawning "Thanks."
"You're welcome," Castor says before laying next to Dylan, laying one of his large wings over Dylan's back, giving the extra warmth that is well needed. Dylan slides closer- too tired to care that he pretty much just met Castor. He yawns again, putting his head on his arm and falling lightly asleep, trusting Castor.
Castor doesn't fall asleep until hours after Dylan, making sure nothing disturbs his peaceful sleep. Dylan loosens up, his expression soft and less tense.

The Pure and the Forgotten