The two both make their way back to the classical office where many would come for help. Dylan knocks on the door and the door springs open to reveal Heavenly Father waiting for them.
"Ah, welcome boys. Come sit." He speaks, voice booming with warmth.
They slowly walk into the room, the both nervous for their answers. They sit down in the chairs with a short sigh coming from Castor.
"So, i am assuming this is about Castor?" Heavenly Father suggests
"Yes, we read a book that tells of how to turn a demon into an angel. Do you know how i can start the quest?" Castor implies
"I see, well as you know, nobody has come back from this mission but i believe you can do it. Now to start your quest, i will give you this map. There, it has the coordinates of where to go to find the Chimera and the pearl." Heavenly Father instructs pulling out a map from a locked chest. He walks over to Castor and hands it to Castor but as Castor tries to take it, it's pulled back.
"I must warn you, this mission is for the pure of heart and must be done alone. Are you up to the task?" the bald man asks
"Yes, i am." Castor says calmly. To the left of Castor, is his angel who on the inside, is terrified of all get out.
With the snap of his dry fingers, a small portal appears in the floor, bright lights and colors shootout.
"Now, take your map and walk through the portal. While in there, think of two things you want to bring with you. When you get to your destination, you will have those two possessions. Use them wisely young one." Heavenly Father encourages
"Thank you." Castor smiles before pulling Dylan into a hug. Dylan squeezes Castor's waist tightly and buries his face in his chest.
"I'll be ok Dyl, trust me." Castor reassures his lover
"I know... good luck." Dylan says before kissing Castor on the cheek and walking back over to the wall.
"May the fate of the skies above guide your way." Heavenly Father smiles.
Castor jumps into the portal, holding tight onto the map. He closes his eyes shut and thinks of his Infinity Sword and animal meat. He then soon feels his feet touch the ground and he opens his eyes, feeling the warmth of Hell. He looks around and on the ground, he sees his sword and the bag of raw meat. He quickly picks up his sword and puts the meat bag in his jacket pocket. He holds the map, examining it to find where he is. He looks around his surroundings, identifying it as the dry lands. Where there is streams of boiling water and rocky, sharp mountains. He then sees the forest of the forever trees. The trees that are forever burning on fire, blazes of crimson red and sun yellow. He glances back at the map, knowing he needs to go west, past the forever forest, and cross the lake of boiling water to find the Chimera.
He quickly sprints toward the blaze, his raven hair being pushed back by the force of wind. He gets close to the tree line and looks for a path the get through. He flies into the sky and hovers above the trees. He gets to the end to see he can't go down into the forest to exit. With a huff, soon resulting in cough from the smoke, he flies back to the entrance of the forest. He examines every tree and every burn mark, looking to find some type of path. Noticing that the west side of the forest is a bit more tame, he crouches low and walks into the forest, being engulfed by overwhelming heat. The loud sounds of wood burning and cracking and branches falling to the ground fill his ears, unable to hear his own coughs as he takes in the smoke. He then hears a large snap, and the sounds of a quite large tree falling begins to arise. Noticing this, Castor runs towards the exit, the tree getting closer by the second. Just before he gets trapped under the ash, he jumps out of the woods, and landing on his left side.
He soon is engulfed into a fit of coughing, wiping his forehead from sweat. He later stands up, adjusting the sword attached to his hip and stretches out his wings, cramped from being tightly pushed together. He then sees the large mountain that stretches far in width, and height. The problem? Castor has never flown that high before. He quickly starts into a sprint, running toward to spike bottomed mountain. Leaping into the sky, his large grey wings flap as speed of light, propelling the demon into the sky. Slowly, he feels the pressure of the atmosphere pushing him down. His wings getting tired, he latches himself onto the mountain, holding onto a loose rock. He takes a few short breaths before he feels himself start to fall from the rock breaking in half. He flaps his wings with all his strength and flies higher and higher, just a few feet away from the top. Feeling very heavy, he holds onto the mountain, and jumps high in the sky, flapping his wings a few times before having to hold onto the mountain once again. Feeling like giving up, he remembers of his mother, and dylan, and helga. He realize he has to do it for them. Maybe not for himself, but the ones he loves and that love him. With a stray tear slipping from the crease of his hazel eyes, he jumps into the sky with all his might. He flies to the top and reaches it, soon declining into a fast rate, getting closer and closer to the ground at the speed of sound. He then slows himself down as he reaches the dark brown ground. Panting, he rests his hands on his knees and closes his eyes, a light smile growing.
After a few minutes, he opens his eyes once again to see the sight of the boiling river. Seeing as he had to cross the boiling river whenever he gave a soul to lord Hell Devil, he knew this was the easiest thing in the world. He walks over to the river and puts one foot onto a small rock, he then steps on the next, and the next until he reaches the other side.
Out from the bushes jumps the chimera, the only thing known to kill demons and angels. With it's mighty roar and hiss, large teeth are bared, covered in blood. Castor jumps and shock and bolts behind a tree, quietly pulling out that raw meat. He throws it far from where he was and just like he hoped, the creature followed, allured with the smell. Castor slowly draws his sword out, and coming out from behind the tree, making is way behind the ugly creature. He lifts the sword above his head at the creature is eating and throws the word across its neck, decapitating it. The chimera's body falls limp, a soft bah from the goat before it is silent. Looking around, Castor spots a chest with three locks and a scripture carved on the lid.
"What is often considered negligible is what is needed, to grow on the jaw, fingertips, and temple." Castor reads faintly. Pausing for a second, puzzled by the question, he thinks of what grows at the fingertips. He walks back over to the chimera and looks at the paws on the creature, seeing its claws to have a peculiar shape. Along with a horn for the goat, and a tooth from the snake. He pries them off harshly and brings them over to the chest. He pushes in each as a key, and like most keys, it made the chest open. Inside was a luminescent pearl, shining from all directions. He picked up the pearl and holds it tightly in his hands. Outloud, he speaks Dylan's name, soon feeling himself disappear into thin air. But as the feeling come, it went away. The demon opened his eyes to find himself back inside the apartment with Dylan sitting on the bed reading a book. Shocked from the sight, Dylan jumps up and runs toward Castor, engulfing him in a tight hug.
"I've missed you so much! I barely survived the week!" Dylan exclaims, kissing all over Castors face
"Week? I've only been gone for a few hours.." Castor tells Dylan
"No, you have been gone for a week. In the back of the book, it says that time seems fast wherever you went. But I don't care, you're here now." Dylan sighs
"Me too." Castor chuckles tightening his grip on Dylan and burying his face into Dylan's shoulder
The Pure and the Forgotten