Chapter 9

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Late in the night, Dylan hears Samantha's cries for help. Invisible, he enters the bathroom of Samantha's home.

"You worthless..." she says opening the drawer.
"Stupid..." grabbing the knife,
"Foolish.." she turns on the faucet,
"Gullible..." and holds the blade close to her skin.
"Fat..." she carves the words into her skin.
"Loser" tears trickles down and off her face.
"Ugly" she whispers, putting her wrists under the cold water.
"You are none of those things! Don't tell yourself that!" Dylan shouts, becoming visible.
"W-who are you?" Samantha cries
"I'm your angel, please stop this, you can walk away, happy....just put the knife down..." Dylan stammers slowly inching towards Samantha
"The only way I can be happy is to be dead, everyone prefers it." She trembles
"I don't." Dylan whispers in a calming voice
"Why didn't you tell me sooner?" She asks with anger
"I- I don't know.." Dylan answers looking down
"Exactly. I'm not worth your time. It would be easier on everybody if I just leave." Samantha admits, quickly drawing the blade close to her throat, she drags it across, blood spilling out and her falling to the marble flooring in an instant.
"No!" Dylan zooms over to her
"Please wake up, no no! Samantha, why! Oh Heavenly Father no!" Dylan screams, his tears fall onto Samantha's face as he vigorously shakes her.

He pulls Samantha's head into his lap, cradling her and rocking back and forth for hours. After what seemed like centuries, the angel finally stood up, although his legs felt like jelly. He looks down at Samantha and brings his fingers up to her brown eyes. He then closes her eyelids, and walks towards the window of the bathroom, ready to go home. Just as he opens the window, he hears thunder, and down comes the rain. Dylan sighs and jumps out, flying over the streets. He soon comes across a street he knew all too well. Feeling the pain of her death, he sits down on the sidewalk where he first discovered Samantha.

Samantha was walking home from school, the sun still high in the sky, not to be set for hours. That day she thought was a good day. But she knew every good thing comes with a cost. As she rounded a corner onto the sidewalk of he busy street, she comes across a homeless man. Sitting there on old cardboard and a blanket is a man around 60 years of age and a dog that seemed to be quite young. On the same street is a hotdog stand. She walks over to the stand and orders three hotdogs and two waters.

"Hi, that will be $5.57 please." The man says
"Oh ok." She says digging into her pocket only to find $4.00
"I'm sorry, I don't have enough. I can find a way to pay you back but I-" she says quickly but gets interrupted by the man
"It's alright. What difference is by a dollar am I right?" He laughs
"Thank you so much!" She smiles quickly walking over to the man and dog.
"Sir, here you go." She offers, handing the man the hotdogs and water.
"Oh, thank you so much young lady!" He smiles greatly taking the hotdogs and giving one to the dog.
"Of course sir." She smiles even bigger

The dog quickly starts chowing down on the hotdog and so does the man. Samantha pets the dog before walking away to go home.

Before Dylan realized it, the rain had stopped and he was sitting on the sidewalk alone and soaked. His blonde hair looked brown and what is normally straight and now a bit curly. Dylan looks up to the moon and examines it. He then looks at the stars, wondering which one will become Samantha. He then replays it all in his mind, unable to think but this;

"I was too slow."

Dylan then feels harsh shaking and opens his eyes to find himself in the dark room and a small light on the bedside table illuminating the room. Fairly seeing Castor's face, he starts crying and tackles him in a tight hug.

"Dylan....what's wrong?" Castor asks rubbing his back in comfort back.
"I had a dream....of t-tonight..." Dylan whimpers, choking on the tears.
"Awe Dylan, just focus on me. Only me, look at me and only me." Castor coos

Dylan looks up to Castor, looking into his brown orb. His vision was slowly getting more blurrier as his tears flooded his eyes.

"It's will get better. But until then you need to calm down and take a breath. With me, in.....and.....out" Castor breaths, Dylan soon joining and his cries stop.
"Better?" Castor asks

Dylan just nods and cuddles into Castor and quickly falls asleep from lack of energy. Castor then relaxes into the feeling and goes back to sleep as well, hoping it really does get better.

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