Move that dope

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I worked up cause I had a dream my mom was here with us life was great again.. I really didn't met my father he wasn't really in our lives. Kj dad wasn't really there because he was too busy whoring around day and night at clubs so I stand by kj side while my mom passed brother was handling business but me I have too go to work today it ain't no ordinary job like Moni and ty and them have I had to do some different so everyone won't be up in my business.

Kidd pov;

I got up got in the shower and washed up got put brushed my teeth and did my hair I put it in a messy bun today because I was really trynna press anyone out here. I walked out with a towel around me and looked through my closet too find something too wear. I picked out some ripped jeans with my Marilyn Monroe shirt and my griffens I dried off and put my under wear on and bra on quick before August wakes up. I put on my clothes and did my make up a little not too much but a little something. I kicked August and he got up off the floor and went to the kitchen and I got him breakfast I went to go check on kj.

"Kj?" I said opening the door.

"Hey Kidd"He said playing with his toys and watching tv.

"You ready too go to school?" I said going to his closet and picking him something too wear.

"Kidd I don't want to go to school" he said.

"Why? I thought school was your favorite" I said.

"People calls you and mommy a whore and calls Lonnie a crack head and I get fun of because of it."

"Kj it's not true come on imma take you to school my self" I said washing him up and drying him off than putting his clothes on. He ate breakfast and I grabbed my black hoodie than we left I pulled up to kj school and he got out I watch him as he walk in to the building. I dropped August off at home knowing that after I leave he probably gonna call Katrina over...but I pulled up to the house and got out and walked up stairs to where funk and Dee was they gave me a big black bag and told me the address too deliver it to. I walked out and put my hood one my head and got in the car and drove off to 7 pines rd.. I got out and it was a bunch of niggas on the porch I didn't know which one was which so I went inside the house and there was meechie.

"You meechie?" I said with my face covered up.

"Yea that's me what up" he said leaning towards me.

" I got some for you" I said throwing the bag towards him.

He opened the bag and it was 3 bags of coke...3 bags is 50 each he handed me 150 dollars and I took the bag and left out the door until I seen one time coming round the corner I jumped in the bushes and crawled my way to the back where my car was and got in and went to funk and gave him the money he gave me half and thanked me and I walked out and stop too get me something to eat I took off my sweat shirt and walked into he place I ordered me something to eat than I seen Moni.

"May I help- Kidd wyd here don't you supposed too be at work"

"Shhh..and he gave be the rest of the day off since I sold all three packs."

"Well..what you finna order Cause I'm not getting fired"

"Let me get a kiwi strawberry smoothie with a chicken sandwich."

"Bishh you know this is not McDonald's." She said with a weird look.

"Ok just give me what you have"

I paid her and they gave me my food I walked over to a table and was eating until I saw Ray coming in with a girl.

"This crazy" I laughed and continue eating.

Ray seen me and asks the girl to finish ordering than walked over to me.

"You know she doesn't mean anything." He said holding my hand.

" mean she doesn't mean anything Ray fuck you you a bomb ass nigga and I don't need no snake." I said laughing.

"You ain't shit anyway broke ass" he left.

"You wasn't saying that in bed" I yelled and left.

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