telling the news..

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I woked up this morning felt like I wasn't supposed to be here. I checked my phone and had three missed calls from Katrina. I walked to the bathroom showered and slipped on something nice and tired to wake up Kidd. I wasn't messing with her because she was pregnant. So I went to get my coat and walked outside and went to waffle house to get some breakfast that's when I seen a face.

"Ohh my Lord.." Aug said trying to not face her way.

"Hey remember me?" She said pointing to her self.

""Yes Katrina what do you want.. I don't want you okAy your not my girl anymore leave me alone." I said getting my food and leaving. It felt right to be there with Katrina but it felt wrong cause I made a promise to Kidd I will be there for the baby. Twenty minutes later I pulled up at the house and got out. I walked up to the door and opened it Kidd was just getting up I handed her the bag and kissed her she walked to her room and sat on the bed eating.

"So what you doing today?" She said licking her fingers.

"Might go to my mom house, ain't seen her in a while." He said holding my face.

"Is your gonna kiss me or not cause my face hurts" She starts to laugh. I kissed her and looked into her eyes and they sparkle. I smiled because I knew this was the girl I was gonna spend my life with. I got up and kissed her again and walked out the door. I got in the car once again and drove to my mom house. She lived like eight minutes away. I pulled up at the house and got out I put the key in the door and opened it. I walked to the back of the house and hugged and kissed my nieces and did the same to momma. I than Sat down in the chair in her room and we begin to talk.

"So tell me about this girl your living with?" Momma said with a smile on her face.

"Momma is everything, she take care of her little brother and the house she's serious about what she do." I said smiling.

"Y'all haven't did that thing yet did yall?" She asked curiously.

"Momma!" I said shocked.

"Boy I ain't that old, matter fact I'm not old at all" Momma got up and hold my hand. "Y'all talking about having kids yet?" I than put my head down cause I knew if I told the news she was gonna be pissed. "What's wrong August?"

"Momma kid is expecting but I'm not the father, she was with another dude before I ever got the chance to knock her up but he beat me." I begin to cry.

"Boy stop crying your with her and him. If you love her so much raise that baby like your own but let the father do his job also." She said helping me stand.

"Thanks momma I also have a confession to make I'm thinking about marrying her." I said serious.

"Aug don't marry her cause you want the baby to have your last name. Marry her cause you love her and when the time is right." She smiled.

"Thanks momma I gotta go" I said walking out her room.

"Gone now boy love you." She walking me out and shut the door. I felt like a happy man walking out expressing my feels out to my mom because she's the only one that understands me. I got in the car and drove back to the house I walked in and it smelled so good. I love it when a women cook not just for me but for everybody. I kissed Kidd and grab her waist and kissed her neck. I didn't wanted to stop because I wanted her tonight but she hit me so I had to stop😒😩 bummer.

"So what yo momma talking about?" Kidd said washing the dishes.

"I told her about your pregnancy and stuff" I said walking to the frig getting a water.

"ohh well that's nice." she said finishing the plates. This evening we was having chicken with greens and mash potatoes. Kidd like to cook dinner early because she get tired during the night. I went to the back room to get kj we sat down and we ate.

Briaa pov;

OMG Craig is really getting on my nerves about jasmine. Jasmine is my two year old beautiful daughter. Craig is irritating me about having another baby he love children. But today I decided to visit my old family today cause I haven't seen them im a while. Its been years I left when I was ten I thought I was big and bad. I was put into foster care two times cause my first family didn't like me very well so they brought me back. I said in the foster care until I graduated high school and got my self together. I slipped on some clothes and hurried to the car to get Jasmine and go to the Jones house. After twenty minutes later I was at the house. I actually nervous but I was happy to see my family. I walked up to the door and a little boy answered.

"Hey cutie you live here" I asked stepping in. A nice brown skin girl with long hair came to the door she looked like she seen a ghost.

Pov over

Kidd pov;

I remember her face but I couldn't put my finger on it. I let her and her husband and daughter in. I offered them something to eat and we all sat at the table.

"So briaa right" I said drinking my kool aided.

"Yes.. I'm Christina daughter I'm your sister remember?" She said holding Jasmine.

"No I'm the only girl what you talking about?" I said confused.

"I dont know if you remember but dad raped me and I ranked away that's when mom got sick. But where's Lonnie I wanna see him" she said excited. I knew right there I had to tell briaa that Lonnie was dead she looked at me and her smiled faded she knew something was wrong.

Hey so I just reposted it and hope you like it!!

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