i thought about it.

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Kidd pov;

all I remember is laying on the bed at the clinic about to get the abortion. I looked to my right and seen August talking to lolo he saw me and ran to the room. All I could do was cry.

"Kidd! Kidd! Dont do this baby please even doe we ain't together doesn't mean I ain't gonna be there for it come on please!" he said as the nurses started to push him out. He walked out and kicked the trash can and started to hut the ball. He slid down and cried and kj came to comfort him. But me well back to the room.

"Umm... Young lady are you sure you wanna get rid of this baby?" he said putting on the gloves.

"I guess?" I said getting ready.

"Look I know ion know you are that boy situation but he sound like he is really looking forward to having this baby you sure you wanna give up your baby girl." she said proving a point.

"...No ma'am I dont." I said whiping away my tears.

"Than go out there and hug that man like its no tomorrow and cherish him and that baby. Now get up out here ion wanna see you in here no more." the lady said give me my clothes

"Thanks" I said smiling. I walked out the room and August looked at me with discuss. I looked at him and smiled.

"Why you smiling you just got rid of the baby" he said with his head down.

"I did get rid of passion Aug why will I?" I said looking at him.

"Pa-passion?" he said getting up smiling.

"Yes I'm naming her passion cause you name her that." I smiled at him hugged him.

"look Kidd I'm so ion never wanna-" he got cut off by me kissing him I just loved him so much I can't let him out my life. He picked up kj and me and lolo started to talk about going shopping for the baby and nicknames. We dropped her off at the house and we went home. Me and Aug are to close to let one small thing get between us. Even doe I can't really trust Aug like that no more. I still respect him for wanted to be in my life kj life and the baby. My phone started to ring and it was briaa I answered it.

"Hey sis." I said sitting down.

"Hey wassup with ya" she laughed

"Well its a long story but to make it short I was bout to get an abortion." I said laid back.

"You was pregnant!" she said shocked.

"yes girl but imma call you back later I gotta cook dinner." I hunged up and went go the kitchen and took out some chicken with some mac and cheese. I put it on and bout an hour later it was done. I went to the back to get the boys they was playing the game on x-box. We sat down and had a great dinner it was amazing.

*LoLo Pov;*

I was walking through the front door when I see Ty just sitting there smoking a blunt high as fuck. I walked upstairs to see if Whitney was okay. I heard ty calling me from downstairs I walked to the steps and was on my way down.

"Yes?" I said scared a little.

"Where were you?" he said pulling two puffs listening to music.

"I was with my brother girlfriend Kidd." I said biting my lip.

"Did you just say Kidd?" he said leaning forward squinting his eyes at me.

"Ye-Yes" I begin to get very scared.

"So you just gonna get up out the bed and not tell me where you was going?" He said yelling at me.

"I'm grown Ty I can do what I want!" I said throwing a fit.

"You think you can talk to me like that! I left my ex because of you and Whitney!" he said smacking me. When he did that I seen Whitney looking at me from the stairs she ran to me and I hugged her.

"Whitney its okay baby. Come on." we went upstairs. I had a bag already packed for us just in case this will happen again and it did. I grabbed my phone and called August he answered this phone.





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