He hits you

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You were washing dishes till you heard the door open the slammed close you look to see Derek

You roll your eyes then go back to washing the dishes

Y/N"you hear your name being called

Yes Derek" you say drying your hands off with the back of your shirt

What's wrong baby" you say about his check but he moves away

Derek I don't got time for your foolishness so you can head up stairs" you say pointing to the stairs

You turn back around and go to the kitchen but you feel a strong arm  turn you around he then hits you

You hold you left check a bunch of thoughts were going through your head

You then get back up and push him as he was about to say sorry and hug you

Derek I don't want to talk to you ok" you say going to you guys shared bedroom

Y/n I'm sorry it's just that I have much stuff going through my mind" he say rubbing his face about to cry

Derek sleep on the couch" you grab him want he needs to sleep with then go upstairs to your bed

Few hours later

It's 1:00 in the morning you feel so lonely without Derek in the bed you walk down stairs to see Derek sleep on the couch

You tap him he still doesn't wake up the tap him some more then you kiss his check

Huh" he say stretching

Derek can you come with me up stairs" you say looking at him

Yeah ma" he gets up and walks with you back to you guys shared bedroom

You lay down with Derek he wrap his strong arm around your torso you kiss his hand then fall asleep

Hope you enjoy 🤗

INTERRACIAL DEREK LUH IMAGINES  (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now