Did he love me pt5.

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I saw him again today!!!.Yep it has been maybe 2 years since the last time we actually sat down and spoke with each-other. I discovered something amazing though...well..not sure if it is amazing, or if it is true for a fact but we'll get to that part. Here's how it all started: One day I was out with one of my very close friends (whom I know since high school). She had invited me to go out and just catch up so I gladly went. We went to one of the popular cafés of my town, we had an amazing time talking about everything and nothing at the same time. She's an amazing girl. We talked and talked and laughed and joked and did all that bffs-catching up-after-a-while-without-seeing-each-other stuff, and it was great. When we decided it was time to go home, we got up and walked until the intersection where we would go our seperate ways, each ti her own home. Right there when we stopped to say goodbye,we saw our friends and once classmates, L and Q. They are and always have been amazing guys. They hugged us and asked us how we were doing, they actually wanted to meet up one day with the rest of the clique that we used to hang out with when we were in High School so we agreed and said we totally should meet like in the old days. *and they never saw each-other again*


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