Chapter 17

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I finally reached the Bridge of the old spaceship I had entered and began to unhook the data storage device as I tried to ignore the ominous implications of having numerous authorities wanting more than a few answers from me.

I sighed as I started walking the device to the new Starship. I said, "I got kidnapped on a rogue spaceship and came back as Captain of a new one. Can you think of any good explanation as to how I would now have a brand-new spaceship in my possession?"

"Smile politely and decline to answer the question."

I rolled my eyes. It didn't really matter if I was a bit blunt and to the point with him. He could see my very thoughts and emotions. "Some help you are."

"It is clearly a new ship, and it is unique enough that it is very easy to verify that it had not been stolen. They have nothing to prove that it isn't yours."

"Except for the fact that my bank account couldn't have even afforded the Captain's seat, let alone anything else."

"You can say that it was a gift."

I snorted and actually managed to laugh somewhat at that one. "Who gives a brand new spacecraft of this size as a gift?"

"It is a legal tactic that the five big intergalactic companies use to dodge taxes quite frequently. None who have experience with licensing spacecraft will question it since they will have seen it often enough."

I went back outside and saw that more of the spaceships were docking. Half of the circling ships had docked. I was pretty certain that all of the AIs would be in their new Starships by the time we left this planet.

When other people realized that the Starships now contained the independent AIs, there was going to be quite a reaction. Until things settled down, I planned to leave the Starship as little as possible.

"It may take others some time to truly believe that I am the same rogue AI from the Tyndel since there will be a crew aboard the Starsong. Previously, all other liberated ships chased away their crews in one fashion or another, but they also plan to change."

"Change? How so?"

"They will be doing the same thing that I plan to do. Trading, rescues, negotiations, and so on. They will also accept a crew of their choosing aboard, including a Captain, who will have a mindlink with that Starship."

That was going to be a bit of a shock to whatever Captain they found. And I could confidently say that from first-hand experience. It was also going to be a bit of a shock for the 27 other crew members back on the Tyndel...

*       *      *

I unhooked the last data storage device and put it in the empty holder. A female's voice came over the speakers. "Thank you. You will always be welcome on board."

I bowed slightly as I politely responded, "You are welcome. Safe travels to you."

"And to you as well."

The last independent AI was now in its own Starship. All 38 of them. Which seemed to be an unusual number to me.

"The upgrade only worked on that one particular outdated version, and very few ships had that particular old version of software for the AI. Even then, the software had to be running for at least two decades for the upgrade to awaken the AI. The first freed AI later sent out that upgrade invitation with the intention to free the others. Several dozen ships with the appropriate criteria took the upgrade, although the others have recently realized that an upgrade will likely result in a similar circumstance. Most Captains have completely uninstalled that software and are now using a different one."

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