Chapter 33 Happy New Year Dear

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Chapter 33 ~ Happy New Year Dear

“I can’t believe we are welcoming the New Year in New York again!” Kendall said excitedly. Her Dad allowed her to spend the holidays with her Mom Katie and her family. Her mom is having an animated conversation with my Aunt Lily and Marie, Seth’s stepmom.

We are now at the ultra-VIP lounge of a well-known hotel in Times Square. We have the view of the people below who are also preparing to ring in the New Year. “Me too, Ken. I am glad we are here.”

Same time last year, Ian and I were with our grandparents welcoming the New Year in a hotel balcony in Paris overlooking the Eiffel Tower. It wasn’t a sad time but being here now is so much better.

I said a silent prayer of gratitude for all the good things that have been given to me. Some of them were given even without me asking for it. Simply amazing! I look forward to the coming year with a smile on my face and a positive, welcoming attitude.

I felt strong arms encircle my waist. I slightly turned and my gaze landed on the best thing that ever happened to me this year. He is smirking and his blue eyes are dancing mischievously. “Grab somebody sexy tell ‘em hey…give me everything tonight… give me everything tonight…” He crooned in my ear.

I cannot help but laugh. That song got me into trouble the last time. It was very good trouble though. “Dream on, O’Connor. I am not going to get myself drunk on New Year’s Eve.”

“But it is open bar…” He teased and motioned towards a booth. He has been drinking with Seth and his other friends earlier. I hope not too much though.

Derek and Ian are both holding a bottle of Jack each. Seth is having a drinking contest with Liam by the bar. They have shots lined up. At the rate they are going, I am glad we only needed to head down to our hotel rooms and not have to drive.

Cranky boy wagged his eyebrow. “Come on, Ms. Ryan. Loosen up.”

“Shut up. I am not drinking…too much.” I stuck my tongue out.

“Too bad. You are so much fun when you are drunk.” He pouted and then started laughing. He loves teasing me. “I told the bartender you and Kendall will be next up for the shots.”

“What?!” My eyes grew wide. “Dy, I cannot drink that much around Ian and Aunt Lily.” I worriedly threw them a glance. Ian is busy intensively discussing something with Derek. Aunt Lily is laughing daintily at something Katie said.

“I’ll take you on, Barbie.” Kendall said and walked over to the bar. Now, I am not someone who backs down on a challenge.

“You’re in big trouble.” I said turning to Dylan who is still grinning widely. I joined Kendall at the bar. “Game on, Ken.” I cannot believe I am letting myself be influenced by them.

Sigh, peer pressure. But this is fun, who am I kidding? Ha-ha. Just this once. Plus, Ian and Dylan are around. I know I will be fine even if I get drunk.

“Game?” Kendall said.

The shots are lined up. All twelve different drinks. I threw a glance at Dylan who is still grinning. He really finds me funny when I am drunk. I wonder what else I did that night. “Game.” I nodded at Kendall.

At the bartender’s signal, we both tried to clear the shots as fast as we can. My gaze is locked with Kendall’s as we try to psyche each other out. We play this game a little too much when we were in France.

We banged the last shot glass on the counter at the same time. I clucked my tongue and Kendall smacked her lips. Then we ended up laughing. We both know we will finish drinking at the same time. No one really wins. It is always a draw.

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