Love triangle with Cashton-imagine for Holly

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Hey y'all! This imagine is for my bestie Hollipoppers143 ! Holly I hope you enjoy!

"Hey Holly, can I talk to you for a second?" asked Holly's older sister Anya. Holly replies back with an of course sis, what's up? I lead Holly over to the couch and we sit down, I have something for you. I pull out an envelope with Holly's name on it and hand it to her and tell her to open it and she does. Holly opens it and sees that there's two meet and greet tickets for our favorite band 5 seconds of summer and inside is a little note that says "Happy birthday to my wonderfully amazing sister, I love you so much!! WE GET TO MEET 5SOS IN TWO DAYS!!" Holly looks at me stunned and jumps up and engulfs me in a big hug and says "thank you, you're the best sister ever! OH MY GOD WE GET TO MEET 5SOS IN A FEW DAYS!!"We jump up and down in excitement. I tell her that we are also going to the show and that we have soundcheck too. We continue to freak out and jump around excitedly. I somehow managed to film our excited dancing and i posted it to twitter and tagged Holly and the 5sos band account and their individual accounts too. We go about the rest of he day as we normally do, watching tv, listening to 5sos and other bands we like but mainly 5sos, and going on twitter. Holly tweets about how I surprised her with meet and greet vip tickets to their show for her 21st birthday. We go out to lunch and go to starbucks.

Later that day we log onto twitter to see that Ashton from 5sos, Holly's favorite retweeted her tweet and also followed her, along with the band account. And she sees that Calum from 5sos also retweeted her tweet and commented "see you there babe" and followed her too. And I logged onto my account to see that my favorite member Luke retweeted my tweet and followed both Holly and I and we started freaking out again. We continue listening to 5sos and start dancing around in excitement and cause of the music. We cook dinner in our pajamas and blast 5sos and have a mini dance party while we cook. Once dinner is done we sit down and watch shows on netflix and just chill out. We eventually go to sleep and dream about our meeting 5sos. That morning we start planning what to wear to meet 5sos tomorrow and how we want to plan that day. We log on twitter to see that 5sos have a radio performance in our city the same day of the concert and we entered the contest that that radio station was doing to get into that radio performance with 5sos and the radio station calls us to tell us that we won and everything we need to know about that performance. We get off the phone and start jumping around in excitement again. We decide to get up early tomorrow to try to meet 5sos at their hotel before they head to the radio station and before we go to the radio station we decide to stop off at starbucks on our way there. And after the radio performance we decide to stop somewhere for lunch and then go to the concert venue cause we have to get there early for the meet and greet and soundcheck.

We go shopping for concert outfits and then we go to a salon store to get some hair dye and makeup things and then go back home. We dye our hair and while we are dying our hair we blast a 5sos playlist that we created on spotify and play that. We go to the beach after our hair is dry and hang out there and then go out to eat at a small cafe. After lunch we go to starbucks and get some coffee and then go back home and make dinner. We lay out our clothes for tomorrow and put our makeup out too. We eat and talk about how excited we are for tomorrow. After dinner and after we watched a movie on netflix we try to go to sleep but we are too excited so we try to force ourselves to fall asleep.

That morning we get up super early and eat breakfast and shower and then get dressed and do our hair and makeup and grab letters and gifts that we have for the 5sos boys and our tickets and keys and phones and our chargers and get into the car and drive to 5sos' hotel and we get there and see 5 other fans waiting there. We get out and wait in an organized line with them. Someone tells us that they aren't there so Holly and I get back in our car and drive to starbucks which is about 4 blocks away. We get out of our car and go inside and see Luke and Ashton of 5sos right in front of us in line and Holly and I just look at each other. I motion for her to go up to Ashton and say hi but she just shakes her head no cause she's too shy and so I gently nudge her into Ashton and Ashton catches a hold of her arm so she doesn't fall. Holly blushes and apologizes and Luke and I lock eyes then and smile at each other. The cashier calls up next but both Luke and Ashton don't hear cause they're too entranced with us to notice. We exchange names and then I tell Luke that it's their turn to order and that's when Holly and I offer to buy them their drinks and eventually they agree to it. Just then they get a call from Calum and tells them that they need to get going to the radio station and that he and Michael are already at the radio station and we say that we also have to go and that we will see them later. We all get our drinks and they thank us for the drinks and we say it's no problem it's the least we could do for everything that you guys do for us fans. We all walk out to our cars and they ask us if we want a picture and we say of course, and we ask if we can give them our gifts and letters and they say yes. We take the pictures and then we give them our gifts and ask if they will give our gifts for Michael and Calum to them and they say ye and they also say that they really have to go and we say that we do too and that we will see them later. They get in their car and drive to the radio station and we get in our car and drive to the radio station too. We get to the radio station and get in line and wait with the other fans that are in line. After waiting for a while they let us in and we mange to get seated in the front row right in the center. The guys come out then and sit down on the stage and the radio presenter starts the question and answer session and Holly raises her hand and asks a question about the album and both Ashton and Calum are fighting to answer her question and they both keep on staring at her. I mange to ask my question about the album and I also ask Luke if I can have one of his guitar picks and he says yes and he gets up and hands it to me and our hands touch and our eyes lock and he smiles at me and then winks at me and he goes to sit back down. In my hand I feel something else besides just the pick and I see its two small pieces of paper one with my name on it and the other with Holly's name on it and I hand the one with Holly's name on it to her and we open them and on mine I see Luke's number written on it and on Holly's is Ashton's number on it. As we opened the pieces of paper with the numbers Luke and Ashton were looking at us intently and we smile and mouth a thank you. The guys answer more questions and then the radio host asks them some questions and then the guys perform. And after the performance is the meet and greet which we won tickets to. We line up and end up being the first two in the line for meet and greet. We walk up to them and introduce ourselves to them and hug them and I go to stand in-between Michael and Luke and I feel Luke's arm low on my back. Holly stands in-between Ashton and Calum and they both have their arms around her on her low back. After they take the picture we give them one more hug and thank them for everything and then we tell them that we will see them at the show later. We leave and drive to a restaurant near the concert venue to eat lunch at. We arrive at the restaurant and get a table and then we see Ashton, Calum, Luke and Michael all come in and I whisper to Holly, "they're totally stalking us lol, it must be destiny then." Holly laughs at me saying that they're stalking us and she agrees with me about the destiny comment. Holly asks me if we should wave them over and I say sure. We wave them over and they run over to us and sit down. Ashton sits down next to Holly and Calum next to Ashton. Luke sits next to me with Michael on the other side of Luke. I joke around with them how running into them again is destiny and that it's meant to be and they agree. The waiter comes over then and we order and the waiter leaves and we continue talking. We ask them all of our questions that we have for them and tell them about ourselves and what they mean to us and what they've done for us as fans.

Our food comes along with our drinks and we start eating and talking. Holly and I share some of our funny fan stories and experiences. They tell us some funny fan stories and what it's like touring the world. I tell them how I'm an aspiring photographer and how Holly wants to be a model and a singer. And we tell them how Holly and I made a little band of just us two. Holly does the lead vocals and can play both the drums and bass and I do backup vocals along with the piano and guitar. After we eat and pay we both say how we have to get going. Calum gives Holly his number. We say goodbye to them and we get in our car and drive to the concert venue. The guys leave and drive to the concert venue too. We get out of the car and Holly grabs her sign for the concert to take with us inside. We go inside the venue and wait in line for the meet and greet.. The guys go through the back entrance of the venue. The line moves and we are now inside getting ready for the meet and greet and we are let in to the meet and greet area and we are the last two in the line. Everyone else gets their meet and greet photo taken and now it's our turn. We walk up to them and they are all smiley and giggly with us and we get out pictures with them and ask them to write things out for our tattoos and to sign our cds of theirs that we brought with us. They say that they have to go do their soundcheck now and Holly and I wish them good luck on their show tonight. They give us one last hug and we both leave, Holly and I go to the line waiting for the doors to open. While we are waiting inline we can faintly hear them sound checking. After a hour or so we finally are let in and Holly and I run up to the front and are front and center in the pit in the first row. We talk as the music before they come out onstage plays and we dance and sing to that. And finally 5sos comes out onstage and everyone goes wild.Holly and I dance and cheer as they came out. Ashton and Calum instantly lock eyes with Holly and Luke locks eyes with me and the guys smile at us. They introduce themselves and do their little talking bits and then introduce the song and start playing. They play a few more songs and then Ashton does this speech about how he doesn't usually do this but he's going to bring up a really special someone in the front row cause he keeps on looking at her sign. Ashtons goes down to join the other boys and he brings Holly up onstage cause her sign said that it's her 21st birthday today and how she'd love to take shots, and that she's been a fan since the beginning and that she's been to every LA show so far. Luke reads Holly's sign aloud. Ashton and the guys ask her for her name and she tells them and Calum repeats it for the crowd to hear. Ashton ends her a cup and then he grabs a cup and they lock arms and take the shot. She gives them a hug and then returns back to where we are standing in the pit. They play some more songs and do more talking bits. And throughout the whole concert I keep on noticing Ashton and Calum looking at Holly. And Holly keeps on noticing Luke looking at me. That continues through the whole show. Throughout the show Holly and I were dancing and singing and playing air guitar and drums and just rocking out. Calum bends down to their security who is standing right in front of us and tells them that he and the boys want Holly and I to come backstage with them after the concert and Calum retunes to his spot. Their security guard Dave turns around to us and taps us on the shoulder to get our attention to tell us that after the show we have been invited by 5sos to hang backstage with them. We thank Dave and then look to the boys and mouth a thank you to them and they just smile back at us in response. They play some more songs and do more talking bits and speeches and introducing the songs and thanking us  all for coming. After more songs they leave the stage briefly and come back to do the encore. After the encore is done we are ushered backstage by Dave as everyone leaves and the boys get off stage and go backstage. As soon as we get backstage Luke runs to me and gives me a sweaty hug, while Calum and Ashton both run over to Holly and give her a hug. We continue talking until Luke and I say at the same time that we are starving and we all laugh and go to a diner that is open 24/7. Holly and I in one car, ad the boys in one car. On the drive to the diner, Holly and I talk about our experiences with the boys today and I tell her that Ashton and Calum have been looking and smiling at her during the whole concert and she blushes and says that she wishes and I tell her that I'm telling the truth that they were. Holly then tells me that Luke was looking and smiling at me the whole concert. We talk about how amazing the radio performance and meet and greets were and how amazing the concert was. We arrive at the diner a little bit before the guys do and we get out of our car and sit on the hood of the car. The guys arrive then and park next to us and get out and we all walk into the diner and sit down at a booth.I'm sandwiched between Luke and Michael, while Holly is sandwiched between Ashton and Calum. We order and tell them how amazing the concert was and how much we love the new singles and how we can't wait for the album. They thank us and say that they'r really excited and proud of the album. We eat and talk about anything and everything and we somehow just became best friends with 5sos. As the night nears an end both Ashton and Calum ask Holly out and she chooses Ashton. Luke also asked me out at the end of the night.

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