Ashton Imagine for Holly- car accident

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Hi y'all this imagine is for my best friend Hollipoppers143 ! And I hope she enjoys it ❤️❤️

She said I could add myself in as her sister.
Anyways enjoy💛

Today my sister Anya and I got up early and throw our overnight bags in the car and we drive to Starbucks before we start our 6 hour drive from Los Angeles to San Francisco because my boyfriend Ashton and Anya's boyfriend Luke are currently on tour there with their band 5 seconds of summer. They have the next few days off so Anya and I are coming up to visit them for a week. We get in my car and drive to Starbucks. We find a parking spot and get out and walk into Starbucks and order two venti iced coffees and two venti ice waters and we pay the barista and walk to the area to wait for our drinks. I ask Anya if she's excited for our little road trip to San Francisco and she says, "you bet I am, are you Holly?" I say, " yes, I am, it'll be good to see our guys again, it's been far too long since we've last seen them." Anya agrees that it has been a while since we've seen our boys, and then changes the subject to ask me, "how do you want to split the driving, should I drive first or should you drive first?" I say that she can drive first and she just nods and smiles at me as her response. The barista calls out my name for the drinks and we grab them and head out to the car and switch sides so Anya is now driving with me in the passenger seat. As Anya starts driving, I plug my iPhone into the USB/AUX port and play a playlist of our favorite 5sos songs. We sing along and dance around in our seats. We talk about how excited we are to see our boys again and how we are excited to see Michael and Calum too and to be on tour with them for the next week.

After driving for about an hour or two, we stop at a gas station so we can use the bathroom there and also pick up some snacks and drinks like water or soda and some gum as well. Once we are done with using the restroom and getting snacks and stuff to drink we walk back to the car, this time Anya gets in the passenger seat and I get in the drivers seat. I get in the car and turn the car back on and start the rest of the drive to San Francisco. We talk about our boys and how proud of them we are and how much we love them and how we really miss them, while 5sos's music plays quietly in the background. We talk about how as soon as we get to San Francisco we will check into the hotel and then meet the guys for dinner at some gastro-pub type of restaurant and then we will all go back to the hotel and just chill out. We drive for another hour or two and continue talking until all go a sudden this blue pickup truck slams into my side of the car and I get knocked about and the pickup truck just drives off after hitting us head on. Anya quickly takes hold of the wheel and drives us to the shoulder of the highway so we aren't in the way of traffic and then she stops the car and unbuckles her seatbelt and undoes mine and lifts me up carefully so she can slide her body under mine as she just holds me crying.

I hear Anya yelling, "Holly, stay with me! Dam it Holly stay with me! Stay with me Holly!" She's saying this all the while crying hysterically.I whisper to Anya as I'm losing consciousness, "tell Ashton that I love him and that I'm sorry." And with that I become unconscious and laying limp in Anya's arms as she's crying and shaking hysterically and manages to calm down enough to call 911.

As Holly is unconscious, I call 911 and tell them where we are and what has happened and they tell me that they will send an ambulance to us and with that they hang up. I pull out my phone and speed dial Ashton's number and he picks up and I tell him that we have been hit by a drug driver and that it was a head on collision and that Holly is unconscious and that we have an ambulance on the way that will take us to Saint Maria's Hospital and I tell Ashton to come and meet us at the hospital and to hurry and with that I hang up because just then a EMT comes up to the car and opens the door so they can take Holly from my arms and put her on a stretcher and then they put her into the back of the ambulance and then I follow them into the back of the ambulance and we are on our way to the hospital.

Ashton says bye right before I hung up and after he hangs up he just holds his phone in his hand with a stunned face and then bursts out crying and puts his phone in his pocket and punches a wall a few times until Luke, Michael, and Calum, come running to him and see his distraught facial expression and they ask what's wrong and Ashton tells him that Holly and Anya have gotten into a car accident cause of some stupid drunk driver and that Holly is unconscious and that they are on their way to the Saint Maria's Hospital now and that we have to leave now to meet them there. And with that Luke comforts Ashton, as Michael runs off to find their manager and tells him what has happened and a minute later, Michael and their manager come running to Ashton, Luke and Calum and their manager says that he will drive them there now. And with that they hop in the car, the manager in the drivers seat, Ashton in the passenger seat, Michael, Calum and Luke in the back.

The drive to the hospital is a quiet but quick one except for my crying. The ambulance pulls up to the back entrance and they hop out of the vehicle and open the back of it to take the stretcher with Holly on it out and I hop out as well. The EMT's rush inside and I follow them to the room that Holly will be in and they ask me to step out as two doctors and two nurses come running to them to attend to Holly's care. I reluctantly stand out in the waiting area outside of her room and put my head in my hands and start crying again as I call Ashton and tell him that we just got to the hospital and she's getting looked at by a team of doctors and nurses and that they won't let me in. I tell him that Holly is in room 109. Ashton tells me that they are on there way and will be there in 10 to 15 minutes. Ashton tells me to text him with updates and that he will text me when they get to the hospital. I tell him that I'll text him if I find out anything and that the doctors just came out and that I'll call him right back.

The doctors tell me that Holly suffered a head injury due to the impact and that she also has a broken arm and that she's in a stable condition now and that I can see her now and I thank the doctors immensely and I walk into her room and sit by her bed and gently grab her non-broken hand and give it a gentle squeeze and I tell her what the doctors told me and I also tell her that Ashton and the guys are on there way. I ask Holly if there's anything that she needs or if there's anything that I can do for her and she asks for some water and some jello and I tell her that I'm on it and that I'll be right back. I walk out and see a nurse and ask her if we can get some water and jello and she says that she will deliver some to Holly's room and I thank her and walk back into the room and tell Holly that it's coming. I tell her how worried and scared and that I thought I lost her and I tell her how I'm so glad that she's okay. The nurse comes in with the jello and water and sets it on the table and says that if we need anything else to press the call button and I thank her and she walks out. I open the jello and feed it to Holly as she has a broken arm. After some time has passed I feel my phone vibrate with a text and I look to see that it's from Ashton.

From Ashton: hey anya, we just got to the hospital and are downstairs in the gift shop area getting some flowers and a stuffed bear for Holly. How is she?

To Ashton: hey ashton, okay we will see you soon. That sounds great. She's okay now just resting and in some pain. We are in room 109.

From Ashton: yeah, I thought she'd like it. I wish I could take away all her pain. Thank you, we will be up soon.

To Ashton: she will! I know you do Ash. No problem, see you soon.

I put my phone back in my pocket and tell Holly that Ashton and the guys are on their way to our room and will be here soon and in the middle of that sentence Ashton followed by Luke, Calum and Michael come busting in and all walk over to you and Ashton hands you the flowers and bear but I take them from you because of your broken arm and I put the flowers on the table and the bear in the chair. Luke comes over to me and checks to see how I am and I tell him that I'm fine and that he doesn't need to worry about me. Luke says that he's glad that I'm okay but that he will always worry about me and I say that I know he will because I will always worry about him.

Ashton kisses the top of your head and he gets down on one knee and holds your hand and says how he has wanted to do this before they left for tour but didn't cause he was scared and nervous and then says that when he heard about what happened today he knew he had to do it today and with that he proposes to you and you say yes of course I will you goof. And with that he slides the ring onto your ring finger and he stands up and kisses you and sits down on your bed.

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⏰ Last updated: May 29, 2018 ⏰

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