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Over the next couple of weeks couple of weeks, Chaeyoung and Jungkook were getting closer and closer.

Kissing in the hallways.

Hugging like there was no tomorrow.

He always walked her to your car after school.

You still didn't like him for what it was worth. He still seemed as sort of a snake to you.

"Y/n, can you give this to Jungkook?"

"What is it?"

"His charger. He forgot it in his last class yesterday, and I forgot to give it to him after school."

"Why can't you do it?"

"I have to go to class."

"What do you think I have to do, Chaeyoung? Just go chill in the bathroom or leave the school and go to the water park?"

"I know that you are probably about to go home for about the next hour because you have your free period right now."


"Thank you."



"Where would he be?"

"There is an abandoned music room upstairs that he always likes to spend his free period in. I am assuming he will be up there like he usually is."


"I better not find out you guys were fighting!"

"I think I can manage myself for a few seconds before I say something to him."

"Thanks. I have to go before I am late!"


"See you after school," she said punching your arm before running off.


"Abandoned room upstairs," you said to yourself.

You were currently on the third floor of your school. It was dark and there were spider webs everywhere.

"No way in hell am I coming back up here..."

You were cut off by some kind of noise. It was like a banging noise.

"What the heck," you whispered to yourself. "JUNGKOOK," you called out.

You heard no response. You decided to keep on walking to the music room. The banging got louder on down the hallway.

"JUNGKOOK!" You called out again.

All of a sudden the banging stopped and you heard fast footsteps. You decided to enter the room.

You opened the door and saw Jungkook sitting on a chair writing something.

"What do you want," he said not looking up at you.

"Chaeyoung told me to give this to you," you said holding up his charger in his face.

"Thanks," he said snatching the charger from you.

When he snatched the charger from you his hands slightly brushed yours. They were sweaty.

"Are you okay?"

As you looked closer you saw his neck was slightly red. It was hard for you to see in the dim light, but his hair was stuck to his forehead and was all over the place. You heard something in the corner move. Jungkook quickly jumped up out of his chair to push you out of the room. You were quicker and dodged him. You quickly turned on the flashlight on your phone and saw...

A/n: Hi my favorite best reader! Te amo💜💜💜

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