The Storm Pt. 2

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As the storm just outside of your house got stronger, you sat on your bed playing games on your phone. The rain got heavier and the thunder louder. Suddenly there was a strike of lightning that lit up your whole room, followed by a roaring clap of thunder. You weren't phased and continued to play games on your phone until you heard a soft, barely noticeable, knock on your door.


"Can I come in?"

"After you just kicked me out of your room? No."

"Can we just forget about what happened for a minute please?"

"I can't forget about the fact that I love..."

"You know that I hate thunderstorms! They scare me."


As she opened the door and walked in, her head hung low. She walked up to your bed and just stood beside you.

"Come on." You patted the space beside you on your bed.

She lied down beside you facing the door.

"Hey? Why are you so scared of thunderstorms?"

"It is normal for some people to be afraid of thunderstorms isn't it?"

"Yes, but it seems different with you. In fact, you get scared even when there is a light storm."

"I don't want to talk about it."

"What is it? You can trust me you know,  I am your sister/brother."

"It was something that happened before I came here."

"What do you mean?"

"It was before I came to live with you. Before I was put into the system."


"Actually, at some point when I was younger, I wasn't afraid of them."

"Why now then?"

"It was my parents. My biological parents, they were bad people."

"If you don't mind me asking, what happened?"

"Sure, I don't mind. Umm...where do I even start with this?"

"Tell me from the beginning."


Chaeyoung watched as the rain trickled down her window. She loved the rain. Keyword is loved. There were reports of a big storm that was supposed to hit that night, she wasn't scared though. She was a brave little girl.

"What are you doing?"

"I am watching the rain, daddy! I like the rain."

"Stupid kid."

"What did you say, daddy?"

"I said you are a stupid, vacuous child."

"Um,thank you I guess?"

"It wasn't a compliment idiot! Gosh, why are you so stupid?!"

"I am a smart girl! My teacher told me so."

The rain began to harden. The lighting began to strike. Thunder began to clap.

"That teacher should be fired for telling lies to children."

"You smell funny, daddy."

"It is called alcohol idiot. You should try some when you are legal."

"Okay, I will."

"Good. You will finally not be a pain in my..."

"Cursing is a bad thing, daddy."

"Do I look like I give two..."

"NO! Cursing is bad."


"Ouch! That hurt, daddy," Chaeyoung said holding her cheek.

"GOOD! Learn some manners! Respect your father. If I want to curse I damn well will do so!"

"But it's bad, daddy."

"YOU KNOW WHAT ELSE IS BAD!? The fact as is that your mother and I ever had you!"

"What does that mean, daddy?"

"Shut up!"

"Daddy, you are scaring me!"

"Can you leave her alone so she can shut up," Chaeyoung's mother said from the doorway.

"Go back to the bedroom, I can handle this."

"Okay, fine."

"Now when I say shut up that means don't say anything else, okay?"


"Answer me!"

"You told me to shut up."

"I hate you."

"I love you, daddy."

"Shut up."


"Do you want to get punished?"

"Not again! Please no, daddy! It hurts! I will be a good girl!"

"No, I think you need to be punished," he said licking his lips.

"Please daddy, no!"

"Get on the bed," he said approaching her while taking his pants off.

The storm was here. The rain was pounding down on the roof. The thunder shaking the house. Lighting struck the ground.

End Flashback

Chaeyoung was now facing you in the bed with tears flowing down her cheeks onto your pillow.

"And then he..."


A loud roar of thunder filled up the skies. Chaeyoung jumped closer and wrapped her arms around you.

"I am so sorry," you said kissing the top of her head.

You heard her mumbling something.


"I-I love you," she said lifting her head.

You looked at her and kissed her forehead. Then the tip of her nose. Then both her cheeks. You pulled back and looked into her eyes once more.

"I love you ,Park Chaeyoung."

"Kiss me already!"

You leaned in...

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