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"I...I want to stay with Jungkook."

"What," you and Jungkook said in unison.

"He made a mistake, y/n. He apologized for it."

"So it is just that easy with you is it, Chaeyoung?"

"What do you mean by that, y/n?"

"I mean he just had sex with another girl today. Might I mention while in a relationship with you? Sounds easy to me."

"So you are calling me an easy girl?"

"Chaeyoung, I didn't mean it like that."

"Sounds like you did to me. It sounds like that is exactly what you meant."

"All I meant is that I don't understand why you forgive him so easily."

"Because I love him."

"Doesn't seem like he loves you. I mean, I would not cheat on the person I was with."

"He made a mistake! Leave it alone!"

"It didn't sound like he thinks he made a mistake on the video. It seems like I remember him saying that he was going to get together with that whore tomorrow. Or was it another hot girl on the cheer squad?"

Just as you finished your sentence you felt a hand collide with your cheek. You looked up and were met with the furious eyes of Park Chaeyoung.

"Chaeyoung, what the hell?!"

"I told you to leave it alone!"

You looked up to her in anger. Only a single inch left between your face and her's.

"The next time he cheats on you don't come to me for help. Don't ask me for comfort when you cry or get sad. Stay in your room and sort out your own problems. I don't care how badly he hurts you, don't come crying to me. I warned you Chaeyoung, and you didn't listen the first time. He is a snake Chaeyoung, he will cheat on you again. Count on it."

"Why do you have to be such a jerk?!" Jungkook grabbed the collar of your shirt, pushing you away from Chaeyoung.

"You have about 2 seconds to get your hands off of me."

"What are you going to do?!"

"Get off of me Jeon. And you got some nerve asking me why I am being a jerk. You are the one who decided to have full on sex with another person besides the person you were in a relationship with."

"That won't happen again. I love your sister too much to lose her."

"When did you start to love her? Before or after your little music room incident today?"

Before you knew it you felt a sharp pain in your stomach. Jungkook punched you and pushed you to the floor. He proceeded to punch you until his knuckles were red with your blood. Chaeyoung didn't even try to stop him. She just sat there and watched him. Jungkook's hits hurt, but not as bad as Chaeyoung not helping you felt.

"Get out of my house," Jungkook said getting off of you.

You took one last look at Chaeyoung before slowly hobbling your way out of Jungkook's house.

'Goodbye, Chaeyoung.'


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