Chapter 14: Dead or Alive?: Cooper's View

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As The Days Go By

I don't exactly know where I went. The area around me is smoky, and I can only see black. Black everywhere.

All I've been told is that Autumn isn't doing well. I am the captive of who the hell knows!? But I can say one thing for sure, their voice is manly.


I'm starting to believe that whole kidnapping thing might be fake. But what am I to say? Everyone thinks I'm dead.

But am I?


Where Am I?

The small closet-like room that I am trapped in is extremely damp, and the air feels very fog-like. I can hear a muffled shuffling sound coming from the corner of the room. This cramped section of room doesn't feel very large, so I start to panic inside. What if it's my capturer? I'm fucked!

"Who are you?" I demanded out towards the noise across the room.

"Your worst nightmare," is what I get back for a response. Their scratchy voice is starting to pierce my ears. It sounds like they're trying to impersonate someone else.

They don't want me to know who they are.

"Bullshit," I say. "You're lying."

"Am I, though? You're trapped here with me."

"I think you're the one who took me as captive. Don't pretend to play games with me!"

He thinks I'm joking, doesn't he?

But I'm not; that's the problem.

Fuck, I'm screwed! I need out!

"Don't be shitting me. YOU did this," the shadow screams.


"Take a guess."


The Strangers

Autumn's View

I see people. But they're hiding; they're running. Running away. From each other.

It's quite obvious they know each other. But I cannot see who they are. It's too dark out. All I can see is the shadows in the light outside.

They're men.

But who?


I need to get closer. Closer to them. I can hear them yelling in whispers. They're nearby. But where? I can't detect their location.

Their voices sound familiar.

It sounds like...

Justin and Cooper.

It's got to be someone in the cabin. Someone took them, and I think I know who.



"Kai! What did you do?!" I yelp in agony, "What did you do to Cooper and Justin?!"

"What are you even talking about? You SAW me kill Justin...Justin killed Cooper. What the hell is going on?"

"I swear to god, you're lying. They're ALIVE."

"You've got to be kidding me. You're insane!"

"See it for yourself."

"Oh trust me, I will."

"Autumn. Come here," Kayley says harshly as she swiftly walks into the room we're standing in.

"Okay?" I reply and I start to follow Kayley along to another room. In fact, it's their bedroom. "What did you need...?"

"I know of your suspicion. I saw them, too. They're out there. I know when it's Cooper." She continues onward,"Kai had to have done it. Nobody else knows. He's playing dumb."

"He is pretty good at that," I admit. "But what about Justin? He's got to be out there, too."

"I don't doubt you, but I wouldn't get too far ahead of myself. You never know. But..."

"But what?" my raspy voice from hell kept telling me inside that she knew something more. Something she didn't seem to want to uncover. Something she didn't seem completely sure about.

"I have a second suspicion that it might not be Kai. And I have an idea as to who they may be."


Am I Right, Or Am I Right?

Kayley's View

Okay, I can't be dreaming. This has got to be some sort of nightmare that my mind is trapped in. What the hell is this?

Did I really just tell Autumn about my secondary suspicion? What is wrong with me?! First I think it's her better ex boyfriend, then a second suspicion and sights are starting to prove to me it isn't him. Now, my mind wanders, and I start to second-guess myself. I've got to be wrong, haven't I?

No. I know I'm not. So my crazy-ass-self needs to stop thinking I might possibly be wrong! It's her worse of the two exes. I'm sure of it. I am also quite positive that he has an accomplice.

Since it's not myself, Autumn, Kai, Justin, or Cooper, that leaves only two people.

Jake and his evil mistress, Hannah.

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