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Roaming the halls of a palace is surreal. If you're a random peasant that gets called here by a queen's demand, all things start to get a little bizarre.

As I am escorted down the many different halls and corridors, I cannot stop looking around. It's so beautiful here, and I never would have dreamed of being led here someday.

The two soldiers escorting me suddenly halt, and I run into one of them while I look around. Both of them are too tall for me to see over; at what they're stopped in front of, so I try to hop and look.

"The fourth?" A voice asks, and the guards both step in each direction, finally revealing me to...

Queen Frigga.

I gasp and instantly start to curtsy, but she stops me. "Oh come, dear. I am your friend. Not above, nor below." She tells me as she takes my wrist, leading me into a large room with three other girls about my age.

"You are Serena, are you not?" She asks. I don't think I'm allowed to speak, so I blankly nod. I'm a little starstruck here, to be honest. I mean, who wouldn't be in this situation?

All of the other girls are dressed very alluringly, which was almost strange, because they were all peasant girls, like me.

But the girls looked as confused as I was. They had many servants around them, putting very strange clothing items on them. All the attention was strange, I bet. And I understand.

I figured I best not question the queen, and I do as she asks. Which was to go into the corner with two servants so they could dress me up as they wanted.

After a few minutes, I'd been stripped of my rags, and was now wearing the most beautiful, yet bright and obnoxious dress I'd ever seen. I'd never even seen the queen in such an ensemble.

The other three girls and I all exchanged confused glances, as if one of us actually knew what was going on. But none of us did.

Finally Frigga made us all line up, and she studied us. She seemed pleased, but she corrected all of our postures. All four of us were afraid to speak up and ask, still.

Once Frigga got to me in the line, she smiled extra big and kind of pinched my cheeks as she looked over my uniform.

I didn't smile. I was afraid. What was she even thinking here?

Once she finished correcting the broadness of my shoulders, she looked up into my eyes and winked. "Those eyes...he's going to like you." She whispered, and I widened my eyes.

She didn't mind that. She walked further out, so all four of us girls could see her now. She took a deep breath before she began to talk.

"The four of you have been chosen as potential brides..." She announced, almost mysteriously as she started pacing and making eye contact with each of us. The other three girls started gasping and murmuring among themselves, but I kept quiet.

What?! Brides for whom?! Why us?! I actually started tearing up, stopped breathing, and swallowed a lump in my throat just thinking about all the questions I had. But I didn't speak up.

"Ladies, ladies," said Frigga to get our attention. They quieted down immediately and she began to speak again. "The princes of Asgard are coming of age to marry, and by their request, they wish to marry inside the kingdom. You four have been selected due to your character, skills, and, or very unique auras." She informed us.

I'm pretty sure the rest of the girls stopped breathing, too. A Prince of Asgard?! I could be married to one of them?!

"Two of you will be chosen today by either one of the princes." She continued, and I didn't listen to the rest of the speech. I was so terrified, I'm surprised I could stand.

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