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"Serena, dear, I'm sorry but you must get up." Frigga informed me, I was still half asleep. I got back to the palace maybe not even two hours ago. I've been out with Loki all night. No, nothing happened. We were really just roaming the quiet, empty streets of Asgard and talking. But perhaps I should set a time limit so I can actually get some sleep this next week.

I don't move, even though I know I should comply immediately for the queen. She sets her hand on my shoulder and shakes me lightly. "A princess rises early, especially on the day she is to announce her engagement to the kingdom..."

That wakes me up. I jerked my head up with my eyes wide. "Engagement? What?" I try to clarify. I look around and the same servant who did my hair is standing next to Frigga. Both if them are waiting on me.

"Engagement, betrothal; call it what you will. You agreed to be married to my son, did you not?" Frigga asks as she helps me lean up in my bed. I rub the sleep out of my eyes momentarily. "Yes, of course I did. But...." I trail off, suddenly believing my comment might insult the queen.

I get up out of bed and the servants instantly present me with a dress. They nod their heads, hoping for my approval, and I nod back and smile. The dress was ocean blue with a gold belt. I've always loved the dresses of the palace because they always look so graceful and beautiful, like this one.

"But what, Serena?" The queen asks, a little demanding. She's offended by me not finishing my thought, by me not saying anything at all. I spin around to face her, but the servants instantly get to work on me, undressing me, doing my hair, and eventually putting the blue dress back on me. I don't find this awkward. The queen is supposed to be my mother now, this is a normal thing. So I speak over the little madness that goes on around me.

"It's not that I don't want to marry your son, I...I really do like him. It's just..." I pause and and clasp my hands together once the dress is on (something I do when I'm nervous). "This whole marriage really frightens me. How am I worthy of this? What if I can't please Loki?" I wonder, and Frigga looks dumbfounded by the question.

In just forty seconds, I am wearing the dress, and my hair is brushed and freely hanging down my back. Each of the servants bow and walk backwards as Frigga approaches me. "Oh, Serena," she says as she takes my hands. "If you only knew how much he already loved you."

I'm not sure how to react to that. I keep switching my gaze from each of her eyes, wondering if there is any lie in what she's telling me. Of course I don't ask anything more about it, though.

"And don't worry, you will make a beautiful, confident, and strong princess." That when I look away, still keeping my eyes alert so I won't look like I doubt what she's telling me.

A knock come on the door and Frigga appears to stiffen. She takes a deep breath and says, "It's time." For what, exactly? I have no idea what I'm going to say to the kingdom!

But I turn, keeping my head up and posture straight as I head for the door. The servants open it for Frigga and I, and I bow my head in thanks at them. That's the least I can do.

Outside the door, two guards wait to escort us. I wonder in my head where we are going, but I don't ask. And as they lead us down the palace halls, my heart races. I'm so afraid of what is about be announced...


I should have known this's where we were going. The tallest terrace in the kingdom is where the King makes all his announcements to the people. I can already hear that all of Asgard is expecting a speech, and they're all waiting down there.

Frigga tells me I should stay back until Odin makes the big announcement, so I stay as close to the inside of the palace as I can. Soon enough, Odin arrives with the princes. I take a quivering breath as Loki spots me, and immediately walks to me.

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