Letter 4

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Dear  Lapis Lazuli:
How I miss you and our memories toghter. I miss the time we played tag and you taught me baseball.

I blushed when you wore your baseball outfit you were hot. I was red as an apple for days. Well 'Bob' you certainly made my day back then.

But now I keep on replaying camp pinning hearts and crying. I know I know if you where here you would tell me not to cry and wipe my my tears away.

So today stupid Spacemail broke a thing called 'a leg' while we were making the spaceship. Spacemail said I could use my bubble powers. I said I cant. So I asked Pearl and Garnet to help me build the spaceship. "Why should you make a spaceship to Lapis when you have me and I bet Lapis doesnt want to see you again"Amethyst said.

I dont care what she said I want to talk to you,I want to hug you and kiss you. I want everything to be alright. But I cant. Birdmom told me to quit making this letter and finish the turbo engine.

Fuck her I want to make this letter so when I get to the moon ill give the other letters to you. By the way how's my stuffed alien. I hope it is still in perfect shape. Forget the alien and let me talk about my day.

So tomorrow is 'Tuesday' is what people call it. Steven says he should take me to a thing called 'a mall' it has alot of stuff their. I will buy you a gift. So yeah Birdpearl is squaking like a baby bird wanting food. Seriously her nose is so long that she looks like she can eat seeds.

I hope your doing fine Lapis


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