Entries | Werewolf

285 18 7

• • •

Mate • 1amimefreak

The Wildcat • KH61404

Odelia • ikawako99

Pack Virgin • NerdyCoffeeQueen

Terra • laaazybones

Rejection Once Is Enough • Fantasies-N-TeaIn20s

The Renegade • CharlotteCanyon

Running • Nianni_m

Cursed by the Crown • Rather_Be_A_Unicorn

Filtiarn's Weakness • Kiara_caviglia

Lost • dark_mist_19208

Monster • wolfie169

Selene • Rysaynys

Surrender • IIJayIILovesBooks

Louie's Prophecy of Fate • BritishVendetta

Wolf Blood • sabretooth55

The Wolves of Echo Mountains • Sim-AntinI

Helix Immortal Origins • DarkenJade

Real Meat • CelticMedusa

• • •

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