Chapter One

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"Brady! Brady wake up! It's Friday!"

Ugh, I rolled over, covering my ears with the pillow on my small, red covered twin sized bed. My younger brother of a year, Kaden, sometimes forgot how loud he could be when those red headphones blared ear pounding dubstep music into his ears.

"Brady! Look!" He continued.

I rolled over to face the annoying little twerp, and opened my eyes. He was hopping around excitedly holding a poster.


The magnificent great eight will pass through your hometown of Claveton, Friday, June 9th, at 9 a.m!

In the middle was a giant painting of all the members of the notorious great eight.

At the bottom simply read


"It's 8:30 Brady get up!" He announced, finally turning the voice down.

I eminentl launched out of bed and started getting dressed. The first things threw on were my new dark jeans. They seemed to fit perfect on my legs, which seems oddly blocky today. Like they do everyday. Next, I threw on white and grey striped shirt and pulled on my black and green air maxes. I rushed over to our washroom and frantically started brushing my light blonde hair Into something presentable. 10 minutes later, me and Kaden were bursting through our front door, joining the crowded street.

Claveton, once again our hometown, was actually quite small. But for this certain event, everyone crowded the streets in hope to get a glance at there favorite member of the talented great eight.

I scanned the crowd, looking for our best friend Mat, but everyone called him by his last name, Nooch. Finally, I saw him, brown curly hair a mess, with his classic white T-shirt that printed "I <3 TnT."

"Hey guys! What took you so long?" He started as we approached.

"This one wouldn't wake up." Kaden said, point his finger at me, which I grabbed and bent. "Ouch!"

"That's why momma says not to point boy!" Mat said, with his naturally energetic voice. Him being my age, we both picked fun at Kaden every now and then, just to mess with him.

"Wanna fight?" Kaden said, pulling his fist up getting a laugh from both me and Mat.

The boys talked and talked and talked until the faithful time came. The wagon began pulling through, all eight of the members were sitting on top, looking around, smiling, waving, blowing kisses that would make some teenage girls to pass out like they've seen 1 Blockrection. Kaden was the first to see his favorite one, Seto. Kaden was always so indecisive when it came to picking a category to study so he took what he thought was the only logical conclusion and pick all around, like Seto.

Next, Brady saw his model. Mitch, or know as his game name, BajanCanadian. Mitch was the professional archer of the team, just like Brady wanted to be. He had already purchased a full ranger uniform, including the new stealth clock 2.0, which helped him blend in the trees.

Finally, Nooch saw his main man, Etho. Etho found his way into the group after the original 7 found his TnT cannon design compony "EthosLab." Being a expert cannon designer, Nooch looked up to him, ever having designed a advanced TnT drill and many other contraptions.

The three stood in awe, staring at there lifelong idols. The people they wanted to hang out with, the ones they wanted to be like, but mostly, the people they wanted to be.

"Brady. Mat. Promise me one thing." Kaden started, whispering.

"When I turn 18, we start a group. And we compete in the games." He finished.

"Deal." Mat and Brady said in unison.

Kaden spoke up again. "Some day, we'll be like them."

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