Four Years Later

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"Happy Birthday to you!"

Happy Birthday to you!"

People kept singing but I could honestly care less. I was turning 18, my all around Minecraftia games ability was rising to its prime, and my best friend, and brother were 19, making us able to leave the village in hopes of forming a team and entering the games.

"Happy birthday to you!" They all ended."

"Yayyyyyy!" As they erupted into cheers as I blew out my candles.

"Hey Kaden! You may be 18, but you still smell like Creeper cheese!" Nooch shouted from the crowd.

Ah, Classic Nooch. I've known him as long as I can remember and still had no clue what that insult meant. It didn't matter though. My whole life us three had been training for the games. About 4 years ago, we each got a set of professional materials from our parents, each presents representing the event we had chosen. Me, choosing all around had received small amounts of everything. Brady had received a trillion arrows, and every bow enchant know to man, including more enchanted books incase and full ranger armor. What Nooch recieved scared me a bit. Stacks upon stack of TNT, a metal armor suiting, making him look like a robot, and a basic redstone kit.

Bottom line, we were ready. Me and Brady had convinced our parents to let us go try to live on our dream, but convincing Mat's mom was another story. It took many dinners, get togethers and dropping a convincing comment any time we saw her at the market. In my head, I always imagined she didn't want Nooch to leave because it's all she had left. Mat's dad abandoned his family when Mat was a young child, leaving his mom to raise him on her own.

All Mat had from his father was a rusty old golden helmet that was called "The King's Crown." It was a big deal to him.

"OH MY GAWD MY WHITTLE KADEN IS GETTING SO BIGGIE!" Oh gawd no. My horribly annoying aunt Carson burst across the room.

Ok, so if I had to describe my aunt Carson think of that old kids movie Robots. Yeah, remember? With that blue robot inventor and the funny red one? Well Aunt Carson was the fat old one with the big behind.

She ran in and smothered me in a huge hug that seemed to last forever. Then Mat's mocking voice came from behind.

"Yeah Kaddie! You so Biggie now!" Nooch stated.

"Noochie Poo? Is that you?" His plan had backfired, as she jumped behind me squeezing him tightly mumbling about how she hadn't seen him since he was a little boy. I wisely took off home to begin packing.

I walked into the house, hearing voices come from my brother's and I room.

"Mom. Kaden is coming with me and that's final. He's 18, and it's his decision!"

My mom came storming out the front door, and saw me. Her eyes, reared and puffy, as she continued walking away from the house.

I walked in to see Brady, sitting on his bed, face looking at the ground. When he heard me come in though, he perked up with a huge smile spreading across his face!

"You packed?" he said, staying happy the whole time.

"... Not fully?" I reply, kind of in a question form.

"Then get packing and stop slacking! We don't have all day! I'm gonna go get Nooch and saddle the horses! Meet us at the stables when your done packing!"

And so, that's exactly what I did.

Unlike the others who had full kit's of there classes, I had a little bit of everything. Considering there is no such thing as a all around pack, you kind of have to pick and choose. I got a lot of the equipment on including my Redstone from a man in town, my TNT from a really crept looking grim reaper looking man that called himself Blitz, and my sword kit from a older warrior named Jordan. But you don't want to hear all this.

It was time, to head to the stables.

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