love will make it alright

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You craved someone to warm your bed,
you craved ardent love to thaw your icebound soul.

Undeterred by the shadows and the blindness,
I found you,
undeterred by the manacle and the cage,
I reached you.


I never needed someone to warm my bed,
I never needed someone to thaw my icebound soul.

Undeterred by the barricade that sheathed my soul,
you found me,
undeterred by the ravine I clawed to hide,
you reached me.

Our love was never easy,
our love was never peasy.

But someone once told us,
"Love will make it alright,"
so I took you into my heart,
and you took me into your life.

Forever we will stay there,
we will never let go,
because we both have felt it—

Love has made it alright.

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