Good News ~~ God LOVES you

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"For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life." (John 3:16)

God loves you so much that He sent His Son, Jesus, to you.

God loves you so much that he sacrificed His Son, Jesus, for you.

Wow! Great news! Even if we are sinners God loves us! He even gave and sacrificed His one and only Son for us!

Take a look at this situation. For example, I am a very dirty person. I don't take a bath. I don't brush my teeth. I stink. And what's more? I am a very bad person. I do bad things. Do you think your parents can sacrifice you for my sake? I don't think so. Yes, parents can do anything for their children but they can never sacrifice their children for the sake of others. Even if I can be the nicest and cleanest person ever. 

God gave His one and only Son to us, even if we are sinners. Even if we are very bad people that our attitude stinks. You know why?

1. God loves us even if we are sinners.

2. And because He loves us, He gave His one and only Son, because eternal life is in Him.

3. And through Him, we'll learn how to obey our Father willingly.

That's how He loves us so much!


There are three bad news about us:

1. We are sinners

~~because we are descendants of Adam and Eve (start of disobedience)

~~and we have committed sin through our words, actions and thoughts

2. There is penalty for sin

~~because we are sinners, we should be punished

~~the penalty for sin are death, judgement and hell

3. You can't solve this problems by yourself

~~even through good deeds, religion, wisdom and others.

But there is the Good News about God:

1. God loves you!

~~John 3:16


Notice I've been repeating the 3 bad news thing and adding some of what I have discussed... that's because it is good if you will be able to put this in mind, put in to your heart and soon speak it out.. SHARE THE WORD!!hehe..

~~If you have questions, I will be glad to try and answer it.

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