Good News ~~ Jesus died on the Cross and rose from the dead for you

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Romans 5:8

"....While we were still sinners, Christ died for us."

1 Corinthians 15:20

"But Christ has been raised from the dead, ..."

He died on the cross for you.

He rose from the dead to save you from death and hell.

Last time, I shared about how much God loves us even if we are sinners. This time Let's talk about His  Son, Jesus Christ.

Trivia 1: Did you know that the most shameful way of dying in Jesus' time is dying on the cross?

Yes, definitely. It is such a shameful way of dying that you will really lose your dignity and all.

Trivia 2: Did you know that if 70 percent of the blood in the body is drained, it will lead to death?

Definitely. This two things happened to Jesus Christ.

Let's proceed with our discussion. 

Do you consider Jesus as a super hero? 

For Christians, you would of course say,"Yes." That's because He saved us.  But Jesus Christ is not just any super hero. And Batman, Superman or Spiderman has no much for Him. Imagine this, if a hero dies he is not a hero anymore. Why? Because he can't save lives anymore. But Jesus Christ, He is still a superhero.

When He died on the cross, he solved our first problem which is being sinner. 

Question: How?

He washed us, with His blood so that we are purified and spiritually clean. And because of that we are no longer sinners. We can be considered Holy. And since we are Holy we are able to communicate with God. That is why it says,"Nobody comes to the Father except through Me." He became our bridge to God. 

Question: Does that mean, God can't hear the prayers of the sinners?

Many would say that they should prefer to Deuteronomy 29:29. But if you ask some of the Church leaders (not the Catholic ones), they'll say He cannot. I do understand the reason but I think I shouldn't speak about it publicly. But if you are interested, ask me privately. And I'll try to explain about the assurance of answered prayers.

When He rose from the dead, he solved our second problem which is about the penalty for sin.

Question: How?

He overcame death. That's the same as receiving the gift of eternal salvation! 

Question: What is eternal salvation?

Some would say that it is living in the Kingdom of God or being in heaven or something like that. That's true. Remember what I told you about the two types of death? The natural and the spiritual? But here's the thing, it doesn't really have to happen after our natural death. It can already take place while we are still living. When we change the way we live, the way we think, the way we speak and a lot of things. Everything changes when you receive the gift of eternal salvation. Part of it also is the avoiding sin. We become instruments of God.

And after the natural death, all who are saved will go to heaven and be with God. That's how it is.

Oh, and about the trivia 2. He regained His dignity when He rose from the dead. It can also happen to us. Like for example, the case on children who are raped. They may not be able to regain their physical dignity or something like that but they will always have the chance to regain their spiritual dignity. We die with Christ, we rise up again with Christ.



There are three bad news about us:

1. We are sinners

~~because we are descendants of Adam and Eve (start of disobedience)

~~and we have committed sin through our words, actions and thoughts

2. There is penalty for sin

~~because we are sinners, we should be punished

~~the penalty for sin are death, judgement and hell

3. You can't solve this problems by yourself

~~even through good deeds, religion, wisdom and others.

But there is the Good News about God:

1. God loves you!

~~John 3:16

2. Jesus died on the Cross and rose frome the dead for you


~~If you have questions, I will glad and try to answer it.

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