Good News ~~ You are His child

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If you believe and accept Jesus as your Lord, you will be saved from sin, death and hell.

John 1:12

"Yet to all who received Him to those who believed in His name He gave the right to become children of God."

Yes, that's true. We are His children and He is our Father.

But then, we should receive Him, believe Him, and accept Him as our Lord and savior.

We receive all of the benefits of being His child but we must first accept accept Him. That's only thing He wants us to do.

But what's really happening in this material world? Many call themselves believers or Christians and yet they don't accept Him. How did I come up with that conclusion? One is experience. For ten years, since I was in first grade, I am aware that my religious affiliation is Roman Catholic. There's nothing wrong with that. Of course, I've been studying in a Catholic School. We have religion classes which we call Christian Living Education or just Christian Education. We were required to attend masses, listen to the homily, behave properly and as for the music ministry (where I belong) ... we have to practice the use of the bamboo materials which is so tiring. The thing is, it all became a routine. We do it because it's required of us. We listen to the homily because our teacher will surely give us a quiz after it. We behave in the Church because someone will write the names of those who are noisy and they will be punished. We attend masses for plus points. It is all superficial. I was not a Christian before. Christian meaning... being with Christ. 

I didn't much also of my faith because I took for granted all the religion classes I had since I was in first grade. Besides from formal education, I also took two years of Bible study. But like any child, we prefer to play. Some may have memorized the things that the teacher is teaching for rewards.

It is so superficial. Now, I've noticed. A lot of  those who call themselves Christians go to mass. Well, one a week, which is really normal. And what's more disappointing is that some of them attend mass because their crush will be attending, their amigas are there, or to show that they are attending mass and a lot more. They don't really go there to worship God. They rarely even open the Bible to read for devotion. Some would even laugh at those who are holding the Bible. See how superficial their faith is?

But the good news is that, God still kept on trying to touch our hearts and open our eyes. That's how He did with me. When we let go of His hand, He still held on our hands. He will never let go. My friend introduced me to a Korean missionary near her place. At first, I was just amazed that she could clearly give the message to us and she has a lot of illustrations. But it wasn't long before I realize what God is doing to me. I was so overwhelmed that I cried. I let my defense down and let God do everything for me. I trusted Him. But of course, not totally at first. I still have the attitude of being a grade conscious--I even cried for my grade before knowing I got my second line of seven (which is Filipino II). But He still kept on holding my hand until I totally trusted Him. I began to put into mind that He loves me so much.. but I still kept on committing sin. Then it went on, I started to put it into my heart.. that helps me to avoid sin. Then I let Him use me as instrument in order for other people to know about Him.

Do you get my point?

Here's the thing. Believer or not, they believe in God even demons do. That is why the demons use deception for believers to disobey God. And I guess, the demons also use the non-believers as instrument for the deception thing. 

Knowing is different from believeing. But everyone of course starts from knowing, then going to the feeling--which is putting what you know to your heart..then the willingness to obey God's will.

When we accept Him as our Lord and Savior, it is not as simple as telling the whole world about it. It is following His will over ours. It is not just of course for the glory of God, it also for our own good. If we obey His will, we will be protected. You see, His will is for our good. When we disobey Him, He raises His arm protection then we experience the gravity of what we've done. It is just logical, don't you think so? When we cheat, we will experience the part where we either get failing grade for the particular term or we will not learn anything. And that's what you call superficial learning. Maybe later, I'll right something about it. 

Anyway, I pray that you will believe and accept Christ our Lord. And you could truly be a real Christian! Amen!


Thank you very much for reading the six chapters of this book. I hope you learned a lot. And I hope also that you will not just accept what I have written but think about it. And there. Thank you very much!

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