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The king of the underworld, Diyu was scowling as he listened to king Qinguang, one of the ten Kings in Diyu who were responsible for judging the dead.

King Yama, the supreme ruler of the realm of the dead was furious. It was not his usual scowl if discontent or stress. No this was real fury, white and hot and everyone was on edge, wondering exactly how their king would release this rage. King Yama was not a happy soul at best and to see him lose his temper was not uncommon, given how stressful and time consuming his job was. But, to have a soul escape his jurisdiction, to scratch their name from the book of the dead itself was unheard of, unthinkable and would not go unpunished.

"How dare this lawless creature come in here, threaten my subjects and upset the natural order of things!" he roared, black eyes, the colour of the deepest, dark hue, glittered with rage. "He must be punished!"

"But how, my king?" king Qinguang asked.

The king of the underworld stroked his beard thoughtfully. He sat in silence for a while and no one dared to speak.

"Bring forth the book of fate!" he said finally. Everyone was confused but the servants did as they were told.

"The book of fate, you majasty?" Qinguang asked curiously "But the monkey king has already scratched his name from the book of the dead. What will you do to ensure he is punished if he cannot die?"

King Yama gave a grim smile.

"I have an idea about how to punish this lawless ape" he said as the book was placed in front of him as he began to write he smiled again. It was not a happy smile. He would see that this monkey king, Sun Wukong would get the punishment he so deserved. It was only a matter of time.

A/N: Hiya everyone. I don't own the movie Monkey king: Hero is back. Its one of my favourites though, hence why i'm creating this fanfic. Hope you all like it so far and I'd love to see your comments if possible. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23, 2018 ⏰

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