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"Bryle can we talk for a moment?" I said as I entered his room without informing him that I'll be here.

He looked at me nonchalant, like he doesn't want me to be here in his place. Well, I get it, I get that I'm the only one who's working on this relationship. I get that I'm so stupid when it comes to him. Because, I don't wanna lose him. But right now, I guess this is the end. I'm tired of this. I'm tired of this kind of relationship. I'm tired to love him and I give up.

"What is it?" He asked as he sits properly on the edge of his bed, I remain standing in front him.

"Don't worry, I'm not going to stay any longer." I said in almost a whisper and he looks up to me as he crossed his arms to his chest waiting for me to continued.

"Let's break up?" I said caused his eyes to go wide and smirk, "you sure 'bout that?" He asked me, am I sure about this? Yeah, well I am. That's why I am here. Right?

I nod, "yeah, I'm positive. I want to break up with you," I said confidently.

"Hopefully you're not regretting it after all." He says confidently and smirks mischievously.

"What makes you think that I'm going to regret our break up?" I can't help but raise a question. Is he really think that I'm into him?

"And what makes you do this?" He asked me back as his forehead creased, "oh, I know..." He nods, look like he knew the answer as he lean in the mattress of his bed.

"Is it because of your Gay Best friend, isn't it?" He said as he emphasized the word Gay and it got me triggered.

I really hate people who uses the GAY word as an insult.

"No, it is not because of him. It's because of you!" I said raising my voice on him. Why's he involving somebody here when the real problem is him? I really don't get him. The nerve of him!

"Really?" He annoyingly ask, as he shakes his head.

"Come on, Khryzel, don't fool yourself. You're in denial just like your Gay best friend, I know Khryzel. I know." He fires back, his voice start to raised and I'm stunned by the words he says.

What does he mean that I'm in denial?

'Do I like Greyson?'

"Since we started dating all you do was text him, go to him, console him and left me because of what? His boyfriend left him? Oh, why? Because they have both dicks and they cannot satisfy one another? Ha! Pathetic."

"All his boyfriends, all of it are paid by his money! And you know? Keep this on your tiny mind," he added as he points his head.

"Sorry to tell you this but I think you need to hear it clear and loud. He will not going to like you. Don't ask me why, because we both know that he's Gay! He likes man not a woman, meaning to say he likes dick and not a puss-" I slapped him caused him to turned his head to the left and stopped him from talking as I sat at the edge of his bed.

"That's the one of the reason Bryle, why I want to break up with you! You're insensitive. You're a cheater! And an air-headed guy, who think so highly to themselves. I don't know what's the thing that I like from you, because looking at you right now? You are nothing compared to Greyson!" I said as I lowered my voice in the end. I tried my hardest not to sob but guess what? I failed.

"And y-you think that I didn't knew? That you're cheating me with some random girls out there behind my back? I love you, Bryle I really do! So, stop using Greyson against me! I didn't cheat you with him! Because you're right. He's gay so how can I stand a chance with him right? Greyson is the only one that I can ran off whenever you hurt me emotionally. Whenever, I caught you with some random girls. I'm like stupid, that I don't even know what to do! And where to go! All what I can do was ran and cry and talk to Greyson, so don't ever drag him in this conversation because he didn't do anything wrong! It's all you!" I said as I shakes my head as I continued to cry.

"That's all I want to say about." I said as I stood up and wiped my tears away.

"Goodbye, Bryle." I lastly said as I leave him sitting on his bed, he didn't even bother to say anything, he just remain silent.


I'm at the food park tapping my both fingers in the table, when someone covered my eyes.


"How you know it was me?" He chuckle as he removed his hands in my eyes.

"Silly you're the one one I texted that I'm here," I said and he sat beside me.

"Are you hungry? Oh well you're always hungry that question is not even a question to you anymore." He said as he shrugged his shoulder looking at me. I chuckle before I playfully rolled my eyes on him.

He put 2 brown paper bag in the table and took out what he bought, "I bought 4 burgers and 2 large fries with 1 coke and 1 ice tea. You are not drinking coke. So I'm the one who will drink this." He said as he placed his coke to his left side.

"So what happen?" He ask, referring to Bryle and I lately. He knew that I'm going to break up with Bryle, I bit my lower lip as I look down.

"Oh no! Don't tell me that you didn't." He interrupt, I glare at him and he chuckle.

"What makes you think that?" I said and he shrug.

"You have a soft heart, so I don't know? He says, while he start eating his fries.

"So how it went?" He added.

"Well..." I paused for seconds as I unwrapped my burger, "I said directly to him that I want to break up with him." I shrug as I eat my burger.

"Then any violent reactions of him?" He curiously asked.

"Hmm, violent reaction? None. But he think that..." I paused wondering if I should say this to him or not.

Because I think if I am, he's going to have a mini heart attack."What is it?" He curiously ask.

"Wait you sure you want to know?" I ask him raising brows up and down. He shrug then nod at me.

"Spill the beans." He said as he eat his fries once again and I chuckle.

"Well..." I paused a seconds "He thinks that I like you?" I said directly to him his eyes widen in shock as I expected.

"He what? What the hell! Why his jumping into conclusion like that?" He says creasing his forehead. I cannot help my self to laugh at him, knowing that this would be his reaction.

I shakes my head but I can't keep myself from laughing, "I-I don't know but that's what he say." I said as I continued to ate my burger again.

"But you know..." I paused when I drink an ice tea, "I know that you're gay, and sometimes you know I think you're not? I'm confused anyways." I said trying to be serious as I stares at him though his not looking me back.

"What? W-what makes you think that?" He utterly ask as he turn his gaze to me. I can see his Adams apple goes an up and down motion as he raised his both brows and he pushed up his eye glasses.

I shrug my shoulder, "because whenever I'm with you, I feel safe? I don't take it as a romantic way but you are very protective and you know? You look like a real man because of that to me. You seems not like a Gay in my own perspective. Hey! Don't get me wrong, ha!" I explained nudging his shoulder as I look away and continued eating and he remain silent for a moment but then I can feel at the corner of my eye that he's looking at me...

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