The Difference in Power

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Naruto was again sitting in a chair and could not move with the same 'creature' infront of him he doesn't know how long he was there but he knew one thing... HE WAS NOT GETTING OUT OF HERE ANYTIME SOON.

It slowly walked up to him and crouched looking Naruto in the eyes 
"I Have given you the power of DEATH now it's time to tell you how to use it the right way"

In that instant moment both of them were teleported to a white dimension where was only white "As you know humans have chakra but there is a predecessor to chakra not even the currenet bijuu or TenTails cannot match it. I simply call it THE ROYAL CHAKRA the endless power source though with power comes great responsibility. It's MONSTROUSLY POWERFUL SOURCE OF ENERGY so you have to MASTER the Chakra Control Techniques you simply cannot be good at them you have to be the BEST because that's when you know you can use it for the right things.
Not even us GODS know about the origin of SUCH power it's just that humans can only use it's downgraded version we only know that when a summon is summoned it's not a typical summon.FOR YOUR SAFETY YOU WILL TRAIN HERE YOU ARE A GOD NOW SO YOU DONT HAVE TO SLEEP OR EAT SO YOU WILL TRAIN ALL THE TIME AND ONCE I TELL YOU THAT YOU ARE GOOD ENOUGH YOU WILL


Naruto slowly woke up on the same bed in the same hospital room he took a slow first breath and slowly stood up nearly falling on the first steps once he got out of the hospital room he saw a lot of people looking at him with scared eyes some were shivering and some people were covering  their children's eyes 
he thought in his head looking at every one of the people in the same room as him and then 'hned' and slowly walked out of the hospital with nurses running behind him he looked over his shoulder and they all stopped in fear 

Naruto just smirked 'Who would have thought that I UZUMAKI NARUTO would have the power of DEATH' 

-2 days later-

After Minato had received the Knowledge that Naruto is out of the hospital for some time he immediately had a Mission for Naruto in which he had to backup TEAM 7 in which were 
Menma Namikaze Mito Uzumaki and Sayuri Uchiha and as their sensei Kakashi Hatake 


Naruto was following Team 7 for the whole day staying in the shadows making sure that nobody knew about him He had his Tenseigan activated and looked into the distance searching for enemies he saw a few ANBU ninja from IWA and a Girl and a Man that had steam coming from him 'Is he a Jinchuuriki?' Naruto said to himself.
Naruto had watched with interest as the Enemies prepared for Team 7 when they saw Kakashi Hatake The Holder of The Legendary Sharingan and The one Who copied over thousand jutsus

The moment they have seen Mito and Menma they only focused on the two of them 
When he saw the Man (the Jinchuuriki/HAN) change into some red creature and The Girl gather a lot of chakra and then lava came out of her mouth she had lit the forest they were in on fire making a Ring of fire around all of them the fire was spreading fast though Naruto had not cared about that he was intently watching the fight 

The Iwa ninja were constantly sending Wind jutsus on them making Kakashi use a lot of chakra because he had to make Earth walls on every direction and evade incoming physical attacks Mito and Menma were okay they had changed into their Biju Form Version Two attacking every Iwa ninja near but when the air started changing and almost all of the Konoha ninja started to slowly breathe harder because of the Fire sucking out the Air Sayuri had activated her sharingan and had been defending her sensei she was doing a good job but Naruto knew that once she makes a mistake they are both dead still he had no intention to help them at the moment watching as Menma and Mito started to slow down he saw a weakness in the Jinchuriki mode they were now in if they cant breathe normally they start to slow down and slowly get consumed by rage when someone strikes them he watched as Menma picked one man by a leg and threw him through three trees and then watched as Mito had jumped up into air and dropped around three Iwa Ninja. They have disappeared. and then he slowly turned to Sayuri and Kakashi... Kakashi was sucking out any attacks that would harm his students (he uses kamui) and evading or blocking and counterattacking any attacks that come in his way 
Sayuri is fighting two Iwa ninja at once evading their sword slashes or trying to disarm them 
That's when he noticed that the Iwa ninja had some masks that helped them breathe that was why they were now gaining the upper hand. Naruto was having a small problem breathing but sent chakra to his lungs and it was ok but it was getting worse... when Mito and Menma were separatede and kakashi and Sayuri were separated too the Iwa Ninja sent to all of them a combo of Wind jutsus Naruto had stepped in and appeared in the center of the Ring of fire a spear in his hand and a sword on his back holding out one of his hands he opened his palm and a wave of chakra was sent all around him changing the Fire from the orage/red color to black and blue color heating the atmosphere around them even more when some marks appeared on the bodies of the Konoha ninja that were on their knees watching Naruto they could now normally breathe but couldn't move due to chakra overuse Naruto looked behind his shoulder and the konoha ninja had the time to look who had saved them from their death 
Emotions of Fear and Surprise appeared on their faces "Idiots" 

was the last thing they heard before they saw Naruto's eyes change into some kind of Dojutsu and rush into the battle first there was a ninja who had attacked Naruto but Naruto had ducked under his attack and stabbed the spear into his gut it protruded from his back and slowly his body was sliding on the handle Naruto had picked the spear up and threw it into the body of the closest enemy he saw killing two enemies at once he unsheathed his sword and started running again when an Enemy was infront of him he jumped up and stabbed the blade through his neck and took it out again leaving the man to choke on his blood picking up a round shield he had blocked the incoming sword attack and then hit the Enemy with the shield stabbing him with a sword into the gut and then throwing the shield at some enemy it had pierced his neck and was stuck in the neck slowly the ninja fell. Naruto had watched the rest of the enemies fall on their own due to the lack of oxygen but the Man and Woman were still standing up without a problem both of them had been looking at Naruto the whole time since he appeared on the battlefield.

Naruto stabbed his sword into the ground and a glowing ball appeared in his hand he threw it at the two of them but both of them dodged it and when they saw the dead forest that had instantly appeared upon impact of such jutsu they knew they had to take Naruto seriously. 

Naruto had made at least ten clones behind him and they had separated into five clones on each half of the ring the real Naruto had stepped out of the formation and made a snake handsign 


instantly one half of the clones breathed out flames from their mouths and it slowly changed into a small wall of fire and when the other half of the clones started sending wind jutsus at it 
The fire changed into a continuos stream of fire and when The Iwa ninjas saw that one of them had made an Earth wall (They were Kurotsuchi and Akatsuchi) 
The wall had nearly been destroyed but in the last second it held in it's place protecting Akatsuchi and Kurotsuchi from harm but not for long once the fire stopped and they let their guard down Naruto appeared above them Putting Akatsuchi into a genjutsu with eye contact and fell on Kurotsuchi holding her hands above hear head she had looked at the face of her enemy and noticed it was just a Young boy a boy who had destroyed her whole anbu  squad this made her realize that konoha had just gained the upper hand " You are so young and yet so strong."

she could not say more because naruto had left her to watch as he leaves with his comrades by teleporting them.

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