Chapter 2 - School

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Photo on side is Pheobe


Harry's P.O.V



I pick up my keys and close the door. It's a nice summer day, for once. It takes me about 15 minutes to walk to school so I put my earphones in too get rid of any bad thoughts I have. Shit. I just remembered all the abuse I'm going to get from Yazmine and her mini barbies. Haha barbies. When I thought I was going to be in a bad mood the whole way walking to school Ed Sheeran Small Bump starts playing, Ed's songs always put me in a good mood. Now I just let the songs take me away to a land without any worries..

13 songs later I arrive at school and I'm already getting dirty looks from the mini barbies. At one point I thought Jessica was away to come over and slapp me but she settled back down in her seat (shes got anger problems so I'm sorta scared of her).


I turn around to see who shouted and it turns out it's Joe, the only one of my mates that don't pretend to be my friend to get attention. It's great cause I've knew him since I was tiny and we're in all the same classes together! Even though that doesn't really matter as I really only have today and tomorrow as I graduate on Wednesday.

"COME 'ERE AND GIVE YOUR BEST FRIEND A BRO HUG" Joe shouted at me even though he was only a few feet away from me.

"Ah hello Joe, how are you so happy?" I reply as I give Joe a 'bro hug' as he calls it.

"Well I have some news.." Joe says looking down.

"Come 'on spill, you can tell me anything" I say jumping up and down anxious to find out what the news is. I sound like a girl. Ugh

"I've got a date tonight!" He says finally looking at me with a grin that spreads from ear to ear.

"Good on ya mate! Who is it though?" I say happily. That's nice, Joe's never had a girlfriend let alone been on a date before.

"Her name's Penny" He replies with the grin still on his face.

I rack my brain for a Penny, nothing rings a bell.

As if Joe was reading my mind he said "She doesn't go to this school though"

"That explains things bud, anyway lets get to class before we're in anymore trouble!"

Devon's P.O.V

Before school I always go up for one of my bestfriends Pheobe as she only lives further down the road from me then we meet our other 3 bestfriends (Paris, Amiie and Mollie) at the school gates and walk in together. Some people say we're like those really popular girls on those American movies that are never seen on their own but I doubt it. I wouldn't say we're popular but I wouldn't say we're nobodys cause we're liked by most people, I think. Hehe. As I get closer to Pheobe's house I see she's already waiting on me outside.

"Wow Phebs, your early" I say, slightly shocked because when I usually get to her house she's either brushing her teeth or putting the last finishing touches of her make-up on.

"No Dev, your late. It's 8:30" She replies in a matter-of-factly tone but I knew she never meant it that way because we always have a laugh with each other.

"Oh shit no way. Take my hand"

She took my hand and both sprinted to the school as fast as we can.                                        

Thank god we made it just in time. Paris, Amiie and Mollie were still waiting on us as we turned the corner.

"Where were yous?! Even Paris was here before the both of you!" Amiie said as Paris was grinning like the Cheshire Cat because she was early.

"I was running late but that doesn't matter as we're both here now, anyway lets head up to registration, I have something to tell you girls!" I squealed as I bounced up to registration. I looked at these girls and thought to myself 'wow how did I get so lucky?'. You see I'm not orginally from London like Pheobe, Paris and Mollie (Amiie's from Ireland) I'm from Liverpool, but I moved down here when I was 7 because I was getting bullied and mum got a new job so it was perfect! So Pheobe, Paris, Mollie and I have all been friends since I moved when I was 7 then 3 years later Amiie moved from Ireland so she became our friend too so it's been us 5 ever since we were 10!

Here's a basic description of my friends;

Pheobe (or Phebs), she was born on 6th of June, Phebs has brown eyes and naturally brown hair but she dies it loads! It's currently red now, it's gorgeous! It really suits her! Pheobe likes rock music, she's still quite girly but not as much as the rest of us. She's kinda like the rocker out of all of us.

Paris (or New York/Yorkie;) because her name's Paris and it's a city and so's New York??), she's born on 27th of March and is actually a year older than all of us but got kept behind a year. She's got light blue eyes that I want so badly and dark brown straight hair with a front fringe. Ask anyone, Paris is the party animal out of all of us. She actual loves parties, but she doesn't go to parties on school nights or anything.

Mollie (or Molls), she's born on 4th of November.  Molls has brown eyes lightish brownish curly hair. Mollie is the smartest one out of all of us but she is most definatly not a geek, call her a geek and she'll attempt to kill you..  The 4 of us have experienced it, not a good sight.

And finally little Amiie Langlands (or Ams/Amsie/Amsie L), she's born on 17th of January. Amsie has greenish/greyish eyes with brown wavy hair. Out of all of us, she's probably the flirtatious one, she is stunning and all but I think the boys fall for her Irish accent, its so cute! After living in London for years her accent is stilll quite strong.

I would say out of all of us, I'm the loud/out-going one so I'm not at all quiet and I'm not afraid to speak my mind. People that have never met me only heard of me call me a bitch but when you meet me I'm nothing like one.

Phebs is my bestest friend. All the girls are my best friends but me and Pheobe are the clostest and she was the very first friend I made when I moved here.

*10 minutes later*

"So you got his number?!" Mollie squealed.

"You bet I did! And he's moving to London this week so I'm going to meet him for a cup of coffee!" I replied excitedly.

"So happy for you Dev! What did you say his name was again?" Paris asked.

"Harry, and I can't remember his last name.. Styles I think" I replied. She nodded and Pheobe started a conversation about something she told me when we were sprinting to school so I decided to go on my phone as I felt it vibrated. On the screen it read 'One New Message'. I unlocked my phone and seen it was from Harry.

From: Harrrry x x

Hey love hows school so far? Speak 2 u tonight x

Aw he's cute calling me love! He gives me butterflies. No he can't I've not even met him yet! I shrugged it off and replied to him

To: Harrrry x x

Hello dear, it's okay, too sooon too tell but Ive got my girlies so its fine! yeah okay, speak too you soon x

I didn't notice them all peer around me as I was typing the text to him so when I turned around I jumped out of my skin and they all burst out laughing.

"Was that Harry you were texting Dev??" Phebs asked.

"Maybe.." I replied, I could feel the blood rush to my cheeks.

"AW it was! Baby Dev is growing up!" Amiie shouted and the rest of the girls began pinching my cheeks! They sometimes call me 'Baby Dev' because I'm the youngest in the group. As if by luck the bell rang and I escaped their grasps, ran out of the classroom and waited for them outside.

"What we got Molls?" Paris asked because Mollie is the smartest person out of all of us so she remembers the timetable off by heart.

"Maths" Mollie replied

"Ugh" we all groaned as we headed to the dreaded maths corrider.

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