The Robin

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It was still early in the morning and Hawk and I had some good time on our hands.

The front of the school looked like a grand garden. In the centre was an ancient fountain bubbling with water. It was structured to appear as two women holding two Crystals, supposedly Sapphire and Ruby. Around it we're an array of flowers from pink to yellow to white. Hedges lined the pavements of sandstone while cherry blossom trees took up the majority of the lawns.

Some people were already here, though very few. A couple were cuddling up against a tree while girls gossiped on the fountain ledge. "So Hawk, welcome to Sarei High School," I began. "Founded by the Guardians some time ago. They established the land when they first colonised the planet of Loriah. Sapphire and Ruby built a grand city known as Sarei," I explained as I lead him towards the main building.

It looked like mansion and a castle crossed together. There was the East, West and South wing with the three turrets at each of those points. On top was a huge glass dome of clear glass. The school itself was a soft Violet made of crystal, meaning to represent Ruby and Sapphire uniting as one. "So the East and West towers are dormitories for those who pay to stay at the school. To be honest, only apply if you're desperate. Lowest rent is $50 per person in the dormitory and you have to pay for everything except the bills. The South tower is the school's bell tower. The glass dome you can see is the library with the lobby beneath it."

We walked through the doors and entered the lobby. If you looked up, you would see a very high ceiling of murals and chandeliers. "This place has really got it on," Hawk whispered to me, slightly bewildered.

Just as we were walking, a shrill voice cried, "Hey! You over there!" I turned around to see Ms Regan, the front office lady. I really didn't like her and she returned the favour with me. Therefore, I knew she couldn't have been calling me.

And I was correct.

Hawk walked over and introduced himself, bending down to see eye to eye with the small dark skin. "Hello madam, my name is Hawk Malekai and-"

"Oh yes! I knew you were new around here. Come in, I need you to fill out a few registry papers. Then I'll find someone responsible to guide you through your induction."

I got and idea and offered to give him a tour around the school. "Ms Regan, I could help with that so you won't have to find someone else to do it."

She flashed me a nasty glare and hisses, "Miss Willa, I specifically said someone responsible. Only the first week back for the last term and you're already causing trouble. Oi!" she then turns away, clicking at Hawk's face. "Focus Mr Malekai; sign over here."

After giving him a shy wave, I walked away and didn't dare look back. It was early in the morning and there was no one other than us in the reception. My heels clicked on the marble as I fled up the staircase to the third floor: the library.

The 10th Grade had a NAT on today. Once a student starts high school, it is compulsory to take a test (National Academic Test or NAT) every year for each subject. Then when you graduate, the crazy 18 year olds goes wild and party or whatever, but the results of all the tests are added up and gives you a score out of 600. Basically this gets you into the jobs you want and goes on your resume.

Today I was taking a test on History. I consider myself a bit of a try hard with academics and strive for the highest result. Besides, if your scores were high enough, you could graduate early. For me, that meant I could start my life sooner and get it back on track faster.

I'd made it to the top of the spiral staircase and walked into the library. It was circular with bookshelves lined on the walls in several rows in front. The ceiling was a glass dome and reminded me of a luxurious penthouse. This was where I spent each morning, reading or chatting with my friends.

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