The Outskirts

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High school works like the food chain. You have the celebrated airheads at the top and the unsociable nerds cowering at the bottom. As Laura and I dangle in the middle, Divinia's way higher on the hierarchy compared to us main streamers.

She's humble for the wealth her family is in possession of and her local popularity. Everyone in the school seemed to know the girl with designer bags and professional makeup. Yet Vini was not one to get caught in the riot of drama and gossip and was faithful to her friends, Laura and I.

Vini was lucky enough to live in the heart of the city. She called The Palliny home, on the Northern side of Rozá. I had always wished to live there in amongst the action. Us Willa's were offered the opportunity to live there. When dad- no. He doesn't deserve that recognition.

When Zyril started his work for the EGAD, him and his family were offered a penthouse in the heart of Rozá. But a man of simplicity declined the offer and wished to continue living in suburbia. Except he was hardly ever home.

Though when foreigners visit and ask, "And where may you come from?" I always reply with Rozá. They always reply with gasps and how lucky I was to live there. Yet little do they know that I'm just a girl residing on the outskirts. Barron land of small houses and family businesses.

The outskirts of Rozá weren't much. There were a bunch of villas with few houses, our Main Street with all the shops in the outskirts which included the news agency, post office and the café Laura's parents established. The grandest thing to be seen was the Rozá High and The Hills, the local park.

That was it. That was what Laura and I called home. Anything past that were highways and farmlands.

But Vini had much more to appreciate. The Palliny was one of the many upper class apartments of the City. Laura and I loved visiting her house after school or having sleepovers there. Personally, I adore the view.

You could see about everything, high up in her apartment. When you looked down, bicycles and people appeared minuscule and the crystal buildings and infrastructure were like mere toys and figurines. Sky lines crossed across Rozá and if you looked up, you would see Castle Corundum, floating in mid air and only accessible to Guardians.

But Laura and I weren't gifted with that prestigious honour. So I walked down to her parent's café to pick her up where she told me to. The post office was right next to it. Once I had posted the letter in the letterbox of red cracked paint, I walked over to the next shop.

Café Haven was one of my favourite places in all of Loriah, to the extent of Nova itself. Mr Haven had opened the café when Mrs Haven gave birth to their first child, Laura. It's where they got the money to live happily and raise their sweet little daughter. Mr and Mrs Haven renovated the café and added a second floor for them to live in a year after it opened to the public.

Zyril would always visit Café Haven in the mornings to purchase a coffee for him and mum. Mr Haven and him became good friends and introduced their daughters to one another. And that's when I became friends with Laura. Since then, we have remained kith and kin over the past twelve years.

I opened the door and the tiny bell tinkled. I scanned the empty café with not a sign of life. The café was homely and elegant for the outskirts. The floors were chequered black and white with green booths and tables. Pots of flowers, greenery and herbs hung from the ceiling and walls among the bright lights in the roof. If you peered past the counter, you would see the kitchen and stairs that led up to Laura's house.

Usually the place was bustling and alive with people buying milkshakes and cakes, pastries and tea. Mrs Haven would be scurrying around serving plates of food while her husband took orders. Café Haven would be filled with lively spirits. But today it was just me, and apparently Laura.

"Laura!" I called for her. Something crashed from upstairs and I heard footsteps dashing down the stairs. Then Laura emerged from the kitchen, wearing a neon pink skirt and black blouse.

"Oh my goodness Ever! How long have you been here for- I am so sorry!" she apologised.

"Nah I practically just walked in."

"Would you like a coffee to go?" Laura offered, walking up to their barista style coffee machine.

"I prefer tea if that is alright."

"I'm so stupid; of course! I cannot believe I forgot," she chuckled and started to make a tea for me.

"I can make it for myself girl, you just focus on yourself."

"Thanks Ever," Laura said and she began making a coffee for herself while I continued to make the half finished tea. Once the boiling, brewing and stirring was finished, Laura and I took the beverages and made our way out onto the Main Street.

Rozá City wasn't to far from the suburban region of Rozá. At least not for us. From Main Street, it was just a simple walk until you reached the perimeter of the city. You could tell from the enormous circular road that encased the heart of Loriah's capital.

The one problem was that it was about a twenty minute walk down Main Street. That isn't and extreme distance, but Laura and I really aren't the type that enjoys fitness. Those are one of several things that we have in common.

We both have fair skin, except her hair is blonde. She's only a bit taller than me with brown eyes. But she's practically my spirit animal of sarcasm, we share the love of clothes and seem to never eat enough food.

After twenty minutes of us walking and talking, we arrived upon the perimeter.

Laura and I then walked for another few minutes until we came upon The Palliny. As it was one of the most prestigious apartments in all of Rozá, it was made of the iconic material of Ruby and Sapphire. Purple crystal with blue and red swirled marble. Vini's home resembled Rozá High, except with the architecture design of an apartment.

We walked in and showed our ideas to the man in the lobby. Vini had registered Laura and I as offical guests, so we had the authority to visit as we pleased. The lobby was furnished with Victorian style furniture and plush red carpet. We walked into the elevator and buzzed No. 37, Vini's level.

She then answered as music blared in the background. "OMG guys! I thought you wouldn't come, you're like ten minutes late."

"As if we would miss a party of yours," Laura replied.

"Well I am honoured. But come on! The party has started."

The elevator doors then opened and Laura and I stepped inside. "Oh boy it sounds chaotic in there," I said.

"Well Vini is the absolute party starter," Laura informed me as if I didn't already know. And we both laughed for the rest of our way up.

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