The War of Corruption

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Loriah is one of many planets in the our galaxy. My heeled shoes clicked against the cobblestone roads as I recited the planets in my head for a Geography test. Disgruntled, I sighed. I couldn't believe that I struggled to remember something as little as eight planets. Maybe I was frustrated.

But what I did remember were the Guardians.

Millions of years ago, the galaxy was torn apart due to a war. The goddess Diamond ruled over Nova. There was peace throughout Nova and all was good. The citizens of planets lived their lives of happiness, free of evil. But Diamond had a very special role as the goddess of the galaxy. Not only did she rule it, but she protected the Crystals.

The Crystals behold great power beyond our comprehension. It can grant self omnipotence and gift abilities and talents one never ever imagined one could be capable of. But more over, that one never believed existed. You could transform someone into a supernatural being, possessing the powers of gods.

It was incredible.

Diamond resided on the planet of Serenai. And on that same planet were the sacred Crystals. But one day, Nova could no longer be ruled by the goddess and the galaxy fell in the hands of two chosen lovers, crowned Gold and Silver.

Silver was gorgeous. She had the longest most shiny hair of fine silk which contrasted with her dark brown eyes. Her skin was pale and cold with touch, sourced from her frozen heart. You could not be mistaken by her looks, for her soul was an endless void of darkness. Silver was one who seeked power.
Sometimes if you looked deep enough you would see; the glassy look in her eyes of no emotions and how she seemed so placid, too placid. Her skin looked hard as if chiseled from marble, a fine glory to look at yet just a marvel. People feared her and wondered what good this woman must do.

But thankfully there was Gold.

He was a fine man, but far from being as perfect looking as Silver. His messy hair seemed to be strings of pure Gold, framing his Caucasian face. Maybe he didn't have such radiant beauty or that alluring dazzle that Silver seemed to have, but he did have kindness. Gold was humble and wished for balance. Not a better person would one come to meet. He was a man of great deeds and kept faith and hope in the hearts of other. Gold lived by peace and love as he ruled beside his wife. Some say that he deserved better, but to him, Silver was all he wanted and needed.

But upon a time, their love grew to hate. Something so horrible and malicious came between that string and rare connection they had once shared. Their roles hadn't been sufficiently carried out. They had ruled the galaxy and maintained the balance of good and evil. But one vital thing was left a failure.

The Crystals had not remained protected.

Silver had an army behind her. She had stolen the Crystals and gifted them to very lucky people. Their body and soul had been transformed to an extraterrestrial, almighty being. They were no longer human but not a God or Goddess, nor demon or angel. They had become Crystal Guardians.

Gold was outraged and no longer the man he used to be. Some say he went crazy, others say he'd gotten some common sense and the rest were speechless. In the end, everyone was speechless.

People from all planets were elected. Gold had stolen the remaining Crystal and used it to transform those beings to Guardians. Those who believed in him became his soldiers of war, though others betrayed him and fled to Silver.

At that moment, a raging war had started. One no one in the entire universe had witnessed. One with such power and destruction. Gold and Silver we're taking Crystals one by one and creating Crystal Guardians to join their side, to build an empire against one another.

But the time came when the war ended. No one had won.

They'd both lost.

From then on, the Nova was divided. Each planet was ruled by Guardians and no longer the king or queen or goddess. My planet Loriah is ruled by the Corundums, Sapphire and Ruby. Loriah has the least Guardians ruling, but there's some planets like Aeridium. They're ruled by the Beryl Guardians which is Beryl herself, Morganite, Goshenite, Aquamarine, Heliodor and Emerald.

All the Guardians still thrive to this very day, I've seen some with my very own eyes. Though not one living soul has seen or heard from the Quartz. According to the famous legend of The War of Corruption, all the Guardians made the decision to lead their own planets (which is true) but the Quartz remained on Serenai.

The planet used to be beautiful. Loriah is the closest to it and we're lucky enough to have it as our moon. Most believe it's bad luck, but like usual I disagree. At night, it's the dullest pink to exist.

But I like pink so I'm happy with that.

Though after the war and it's abandonment, Serenai became baron and forlorn. Not one single mortal or immortal has been there ever since the day Silver and Gold fell.

As I walked to school, I ran through that story subconsciously. Thankfully it was all accurate to my extent of knowledge. I had yet another test on it next week for History. I'd reached the end of my street and turned left. This lead to the park that I walk through every morning, The Hills.

It was beautiful and an attraction for tourists. The Hills was always busy with people jogging, having picnic, walking their dogs or playing on the sports fields. It was so diverse with rolling plains over hills (granting it's name) gorgeous flowers neatly arranged in the gardens, spotlights and snack bars near the mini-stadiums, pools and recreational tracks and forests and bushland were people of hiking or camping.

Everyday, I took one of those dusty trails to reach school. I liked avoiding the crowd, going against the mainstream on the pavements. Once I were to reach the end of the trail, I would need to take another left and continue down the road until I reach school.

The sun could just be seen by then which meant it was around 7am. I checked my watch and indeed; it read 7:08. Before I could look up, I crashed into something and fell to the ground. Or more like something crashed into me.

Or someone.

"I'm so sorry, are you hurt?" But I stopped myself as I looked into the eyes of a boy.

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