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It had happened again. For the fourth time, I had been transported to this parallel universe of this void I am sucked into. It took some time for me to regain my memory of the past times I have visited this place. When I was running from dad, Gold and Silver and their secret daughter, the mysterious girl Robin seemed to had loved and the warning.

The warning.

"Why am I here?" I demanded. "I expect answers thank you very much. Is this Robin."

And for once, I got a reply without hesitation. "No it is not. I am a blessed spirit with the decency to avoid inconsideration. I shall not invade any privacy of yours by all means." I recognised her voice. It was icy and ran chills down my spine. Yet they wee like soft chimes, clanging in a winter's breeze. I didn't feel cold, but this warmth. Yet my hair's stood on end from her presence. It was quite a strange feeling that I felt so familiar with. It caressed me like and envelope, neat and in place.

"Why would you all of a sudden rock up in my dreams then? I'm trying to receive beauty sleep." When I walked into the house after Hawk's dashing "promposal", to my surprise, mum had made dinner. She also blessed me with the fact that she was offered a full time job at the cafe and that she was seeking help for how to deal with her emotions. I was thrilled to know mum was getting better bit by bit. I remembered discussing how I'd support her the whole way through and then us playing chess afterwards. It was simple but nice, different to how my days usually ended.

"It is the only chance I have to communicate with you," the voice spoke. "And I just wish to clear things up for you. Ever, I want to help you. I need to."

I was left puzzled by what this body less figure had told me. There was only one thing I could think of. "Are you my guardian angel?"

She laughed and they pierced my ears. It was as if icicles had impaled my head, droning and numbing my brain. Yet I managed the discomfort. It was an old feeling how I reacted to her voice. It's like how the bother of homework becomes accustomed to one. Doing it may suck, but students grow used to it and carry through without trouble.

The same applied whenever I heard her delicately stern echo.

"Oh Ever. Believe me, I'm far more than that. Maybe not to you, but trust me. I am. Consider it as simply a messenger from a higher power, delivering to you the words of truth."

"What higher power are you referring to?"

"Your destiny."

That was the time I thought to myself...

'This is bloody rigged.'

"Excuse me, but I need more respect than that. Personally, I deserve more recognition than being 'bloody rigged'."

"What happened to me having privacy!"

The woman sighed. "I can hear your thoughts. They're like the ripples on the ocean surface. Among the crashing waves of us talking aloud, I can feel your thoughts, small yet not gone unnoticed.'

"I see," I replied, frustrated. "Well what message do you have to deliver to me?"

She paused. "Advice. Ask me anything."

I took that into consideration. "What are my results for the Geography NAT test? I felt like I failed all the free response questions."

"Ever, I mean important queries you can't obtain. At least without great difficulty or dangerous risks."

I didn't know whether I could trust her. What if I was being possessed by a demon? So I lingered on her words before I thought of something. "That thing you told me last time, about the Trial... it was true."

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