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Inna's POV

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Inna's POV

The next morning, I was woken up by the sound of banging on my door. I quickly sat up in bed once the door opened. I squinted my eyes towards the visitor.

"You made a mistake." Taehyung spoke as he walked up to me. He made me scoot over in bed in order for him to sit on it.

"What do you mean I made a mistake?" I asked him as I covered my mouth from a yawn.

"You and Jungkook broke up huh?" he asked. I nodded. "Well thanks to that, Hana has been talking about how our relationship isn't working out and stuff. I'm pretty sure that we're gonna break up soon." he sighed as he looked up at me. "At this point, I don't care if she breaks up with me. If I find her cheating on me then we're done."

I stared at his movements. By the look of his posture, he seemed so comfortable. He seemed as if we've been talking for ages. The way he just casually sat on my bed as if it was nothing was surprising. I didn't think he'd get this comfortable.

"Well then, I'm gonna go shower real quick." I got up from bed and walked into my bathroom. As I entered I quickly turned on the shower and stripped myself of my clothes.

I made sure to lock the door to prevent anything from happening.

Taehyung's POV

I was just about to exit her room when I heard a ping from under the pillow. I lifted up the pillow only to see her phone laying there. I picked it up and quickly entered her password. Surprisingly, the password was the same one from two years ago when we used to go out.

Once I opened up her new message, my left eye twitched a bit. It was a message from Jungkook. A picture of him and Hana kissing was seen while the caption read Maybe you were right. I think I like Hana now. Thanks for opening my eyes a bit more.

I closed her phone and sighed. This was it. I was gonna break up with Hana the next time we met up. That is...if she doesn't beat me to it.

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As soon as Inna walked out of the bathroom fully changed I showed her the message. She simply laughed as she sat on her bed.

"Wow. Such an asshole." she laid down on her bed, placing her hand on her stomach, "You know, the only reason I went out with Jungkook was because of how pure he was. He was always very childish and I just loved that side of him." she sighed once again, looking more disappointed with every word she spoke, "But things change. 2 years is enough time to change anyone."

"Well, he always wanted to be more mature around you. That's probably the main reason he changed. In fact, Jimin once told Jungkook that he hated that you were much more mature than he was. It was to the point that Jimin was gonna ask Jungkook to break up with you." I explained. She covered her eyes with her arm. For a moment she laughed bitterly.

It was until I saw her steady breathing that I realized that she had fallen asleep. I couldn't help but smile. I laid down right next to her and started playing on my phone. Swiping up and down as I played Candy Crush.

I found myself yawning about half an hour later and the next thing you know I had fallen asleep. Right next to her.


It's been a while since I updated this story. Sorry about that. I'm also sorry this chapter is short but that's how long this chapter was.

I finished my state tests for now but the hardest test of my life is still to come. Still preparing for that. Since I had some time to spare, I thought, why not update this story?

So yeah. Chapter six. Hope you all enjoyed it. ;)

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