I Love You XBayani Fanfiction

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I Was still wondering what Emma had to tell me . Starbucks was around a 30 minute drive From where she lived .

We had been driving for about 10 minutes and had both been singing to almost every song that came on the radio . I decided to ask her .

"So what was it you needed to tell me again ? "

Emma : " Oh yeah ... I forgot about that ! Well ... Sean ( Grape ) said that he didn't really want to fly alone to minecon from Wyoming so he decided to fly here a week early so that all 3 of us could go together ! Is that okay with you ? "

" Yeah of course it is ! That's great ! So when will he be here ? "

Emma : " He should get here in around 2 weeks , maybe a little less .

* time skip to when they get to starbys oooooo*

" Do you wanna go to the drive through or go inside ? "

Emma : " Drive through please " she said pouting her lips . God she was beautiful .

" Well what do you want ? "

Emma : " Vanilla Bean frappe with no coffee please "

( Jordan's saying this to the Starbucks lady btw 😂 )

" Can I get a vanilla bean frappe with no coffee , a candy floss ( or cotton candy I can't remember ) frappe with no coffee also , and a dark chocolate muffin ? "

Starbucks lady : " Yes sir that will be $7.28 at the next window . "

* later on that night , round about 10:30pm *

Jordan's POV :

We had went back to my place after an eventful day . We were both a little bit tired and I could tell because when we were coming home she almost fell asleep in the car .

Emma : " Jordan , I'm hungry . "

" Okay well what do you have in your fridge and I'll get you something ? "

Emma : " No ... Could we maybe go get McDonald's ? "

She was looking at me as if she was scared I would say no .

" Of course , let's go . "

Emma : " Okay "

* when they had gotten their McDonald's *

We were walking back to the car and I could tell Emma was cold as her teeth were chattering . It was around 11 now .

" Hey ? Are you cold ? "

Emma : " Just a little bit " she said while looking down .

" Here " I said as I took of my sweater .

It looked really oversized on her , she looked really small , but then again she was . She was only 5,1 and I was 5,9 , so there was a big difference .

I began laughing at how cute she was , in my big sweater , with the hood up and McDonald's in her hands .

Emma : " Stop laughing at me ! " she said while beginning to laugh herself .

We decided to take the blanket from the back seat of my car and sit in the back of the pickup truck .

I couldn't help staring at her .

I was in my own little world when she brought me back to my senses .

Emma : " Why are you staring at me ? " she said giggling .

" Because you're beautiful "

TFIOS reference there :D

Idk what happened it just slipped out .

" No , I'm sorry I didn't mean that . "

Emma : " it's okay "

Then we just looked into each other's eyes . It must have been only 10 seconds or something but it felt like forever . I began leaning in .

And then I kissed her .

Emma's POV :

And then he kissed me .

I don't really think I will be writing this in Emma's POV very much so yeah . This is my fav chapter so far and I was discussing with a guy ( he is one of my best friends ) how I would love this to happen to me . And he said he could make that happen 😂 idk why I'm telling you this but yeah , I'll update soon ☺️byeeeeeee. And I fixed the font btw :).

~ mysterygirl

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