October 31, 1978- Part Two

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October 31, 1978
Whizzer paces the kitchen, wringing his hands and trying to control his breathing. Today was Trina and Marvin's anniversary, and from the knowledge of what Jason's told him, Marvin gets particularly upset on this day. He runs his hands through his hair and double checks everything, making sure everything is clean and in place for when Marvin comes home. Dinner was made and set out on the table, along with a fancy bottle of champagne he had picked up, hoping that he could distract Marvin long enough for him to forget what day it was.

Whizzer nearly jumps when he hears the door open, and once he gets his nerves under control he greets his lover, who has just returned from work.

"How was work?" He asks, sliding off Marvin's coat and pecking him on the cheek. Marvin just rubs his eye and mumbles something under his breath. "What was that, Marv?"

"I said it was fine, Whizzer. I'm not in the mood for all this," Marvin hisses. Whizzer nods and takes his hand. The older man looks up at him tiredly, raising an eyebrow.

"Dinner's ready and the table's set. Shall we?" Whizzer says. Marvin grumbles something along the lines of "fine" as he's led into the kitchen. Whizzer didn't know what to expect as a reaction. He had cleaned the entire apartment, spending hours scouring it for any and all imperfections. The kitchen was the most spotless of all. To notice anything more than that, Marvin would have to have eagle eyes.

"It looks like you've finally learned your place, Whizzer. I'm glad," Marvin says, and Whizzer tries not to take it to heart.

"I made linguini. I know it's your favorite," Whizzer bites his lip and Marvin looks down at the table, raising an eyebrow. Again.

"I can see that. Where'd you get the champagne?" He barely acknowledges the meal, his eyes going right to the most expensive thing on the table.

Whizzer took a deep breath. "The Wine Outlet by the store."

"And how expensive was it?" Whizzer cringed at the question.

"S-Sixty dollars," he replied. Marvin stepped forward and Whizzer diverted his eyes towards the ground like a guilty child.

"And who's money did you use?" Marvin seemed eerily proud of himself.

"Look, Marvin if you let me get out of the house I could make some money off of my pictures-"

"Photography is not a job, Whizzer. Now stop avoiding my questions!" Marvin crossed his arms. Whizzer visibly flinched when he raised his voice.

"It was some of the grocery money you gave me," Marvin chuckled and Whizzer's head snapped up. "$400 is a lot for a couple of groceries, Marv-"

"That's not the point, Whizzer. That was my money that I earned that you spent. Now tell me, why did you buy this champagne? Would you die without it? Was it 'the newest trend'?"

"I thought that, maybe, because this is the one night we don't have Jason, we could have a little fun?" Whizzer said. Marvin looked like he was holding in a laugh.

"We have Jason three nights a week, Whizzer. There are seven days in a week. How dumb do you have to be to forget that three is not equal to seven?" Whizzer, ground his teeth. "Now you see why you do the housework and I make the money."

"Marvin, can we not do this tonight? Let's just relax, have a drink, and maybe we can-"

"Whizzer, why don't you just shut up?" Marvin said, sitting down.

"Marv, can't we just talk? It's been a while-"

"Whizzer, just shut up, sit down, and look pretty. Okay?" Whizzer huffed and took his seat. "Thank you."

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