Six Years Later

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Ginny P.O.V.

Curling into a ball on my cot in the attic, tears threaten to break through my tightly shut eyes. I hate summer break, honest to god hate it. I can not stand being around my family anymore, I mean they were the ones to resent me first. After becoming Slytherin that fateful day, they really did disown me. Since I can't stay at Hogwarts over summer break I have to go to the Burrow. Luckily I have one more day and then this is the last time I ever have to step foot or lay eyes on my so called "family" ever again. My mother and father didn't love and I knew this to be true, they have said countless times. After my latest beating about an hour ago, they said that they wished I was never born, that I was a worthless piece of shit that didn't deserve my magic or to even live. Locking me in my attic bedroom or whatever was left of a bedroom they told me I would go without food until I return to Hogwarts....luckily that will be tomorrow afternoon.

My mind traveled to the summer after my first year, that was the worst one ever. Getting off the Hogwarts train, I ran to my parents...who I mistakingly thought had forgiven me for the house that I was sorted into. No they pushed me off of them in disgust in front of everyone, acting like they didn't even know me. When we had made it back to the Burrow my mother regretted to inform me or so she said that I would not return to my previous room but to the attic, and I would stay there until I was told that I could come out. I was in there for three weeks with the exception of using the restroom, and having someone bring food up to me.

Rolling over I looked at the dusty floor  slowly tears started to drip, falling into the dirt on the floor creating clean polka dots on the wood. My body started shaking thinking about the last six years always makes me wish that I were dead, my whole family wanted it anyway. A searing pain shot through my side, lifting up my shirt I saw the bruise that had formed from my most recent beating.

It was from George, ever since the war and Fred had been killed...George has been angry and taking that anger out on me. Normally he wouldn't lay a hand on a women not him, my father, Bill, Charlie, Percy, or Ron but when it comes to me it's different. I'm no women, in fact I'm just a nasty Slytherin with a Dark Mark on my arm because all Slytherin's were forced by the Dark Lord to get it. I say that my family hated me when I became Slytherin...they despised me even more when they saw that mark.

My heart was broken back friends well except Pansy Parkinson she's dead now but it doesn't even phase me. No family, I haven't had a family since the day before I went to Hogwarts six years ago. Harry Potter doesn't even talk to me...although he occasionally gives me a knowing glance. I think about our conversation on that long ago night. He was right not everything happens the way we think or want it too. Hopefully it will get better, hopefully everything turns out alright. Once upon a time I dreamed of marrying a nice Gryffindor man, the hope of that ever happening now is zero to one which doesn't bother me now.

There is only one guy I could ever imagine wanting...I can't even admit it to myself though. Not only would I not be wanted by my family even his family wouldn't want me. I guess I'm really what everyone has been saying not a blood traitor just a traitor to everyone. I tipped the balance on the scale of good and evil and right now it's leaning towards evil. A destruction much worse than anything that has happen so far and that is saying something. I guess the only good thing that has come from this whole debacle is the fact that I'm right where I belong...I am a Slytherin.

We these thoughts swirling around my head I dig my fingernails into my arm and soundlessly drift off to sleep. A nightmare filled sleep that doesn't even cross my mind as the most horrible, evil, psychotic thing for me, to imagine.

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