Facing the Music

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(This is not my picture. If anyone knows who drew it please let me know. I want to give credit, were credit is due. Thank you.)

Ginny P.O.V.

" To be hurt,
   To feel lost,
   To be left out in the dark,
   To be kicked when your down,
   To feel like you've been pushed.          around,
   To be on the edge of breaking down,
   And no one's there to save you,
   No you don't know what it's like
   Welcome to my life." ------------------
(Welcome to My Life by Simple Plan)

Walking down the many hallways, I was listening to music on the Ipod Fred had given to me as a secret gift on my fifteenth birthday. Fred was the only one who never gave up on me. He was my bestfriend, my only family, the only man that I have ever truly loved. He never beat me, never took his anger out on me, he hated the way the rest of the family was treating me. He tried to stop them on multiple occasions, I'm the reason he died that day. Even though I was a Death Eater he jumped in front of the death curse a Ravenclaw had shot at me. My family hates me even more blaming me, always blaming me. That night I lost the only two friends I have ever had. Fred and Pansy god I miss them so fucking much.

It's been two months since that night on the train, when Draco saved me from my brothers horrible fatal beating. I was so grateful that day, I was so stupid thinking that, that day could have changed the whole "we are archenimes" thing but I was wrong. We have not spoken a single word since then. Sometimes I see him staring at me in the Great Hall at meals, or study time, in our common room, classes we have together, quiditch practice and games. I wish I could say something, I can't so all I do is stare back into his icy grey eyes that seem to melt and let me only a little, an only me.

When I had hugged him it was the safest I have felt even when Fred was alive. He held me tight and close, he rocked me to sleep comforting me, and I felt the kiss he laid on my forehead. He feel asleep with me in his arms, and I wished that could happen everynight. His arms are muscular, mmmm they felt so good.

While I was walking I ran in Headmaster McGonagall. After Dumbledore had been killed she had been placed into the position of Headmater.

"Ginny Weasley just the person I needed to speak with!"

Before I could say anything she starts walking again motioning for me to follow her into the dungeons. We went straight to the Slytherin dormitories. She whispered our password and walked into the common room.

"Draco Malfoy, I need to speak with you. Come come along this is a very important matter of business."

He looked at me and then followed us out into the hallway.

"Let's walk." Said McGonagall as she started walking through the hallways of the Dungeon. Following her I asked, "Is there a problem Headmaster?"

"Oh no, you guys are not in trouble. Far from trouble to be exact."

We both looked at her with confused expressions.

"After the war, with all the renovations, cleaning up, and planning there had not been time to pick a new Head Boy or Head Girl. I know that the trio of Gryffindor's were hoping that two of them would get the chance, but Hermione has stated she needs to stay focused on her studies and frankly Harry or Ron would just not cut it. So Mrs. Weasley and Mr. Draco I am kindly asking of the two of would please fill the positions?"

Without thinking I blurted out, "Sure, I mean at least I will do it....I'm not sure about Malfoy over here. Maybe he would like to, I think he would be the perfect one for the task..." and I just kept rambling until Draco calmly put his hand over my mouth and said, "Wealey shut it, and yes I would gladly fill the position of Head Boy. What I think Weasley is trying to say is yes she will be Head girl." I just nodded my head yes.

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