Imagine for Cicci

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Austin for Cicci

You were surprised with the sudden text you got asking if you wanted to meet the boys tonight. TONIGHT? That's so soon! You wanted to meet them, but you hadn't even had time to let your nerves settle. You decided to not let Austin know how nervous you were, and let your excitement show instead. "Really?? Yes!! (:" you texted back. You really were happy, you had been wanting to meet everyone, but since you and Austin had only been dating for about a month now, you weren't pressing the subject or anything knowing it probably hadn't been long enough. "Great! I'll be over in 30, k?" he replied. You smiled, still getting the butterflies whenever you saw him. "Can't wait (: xx" you texted back. Austin smiled at his phone and all the boys started pushing him and teasing. Austin didn't care, he let them joke. "So see everyone at six?" Zach asked, getting ready to leave. They nodded and so he bid farewell to go stalk up on snacks before everyone showed up. "Bring a game with you!" he called behind him as he shook hands with the photographer who had his crew helping him pack things up. Thankfully they had all been out of ear shot to hear the banter about you. "No one bring twister, I've got it this time" Alex said, grabbing his phone and waving as he left too. The rest of them grabbed theirvthings and slowly began to head out. You shook hands with the crew nearby as you walked passed as Robert said; "I think I'll bring Scene It for Friends" he was talking about the TV show. The other two nodded in agreement. "I'll let Cicci decide" he said, smiling wide. When Austin got to your place, you were dressed and ready, lounging watching a movie on your couch. "Hey babe!" he said smiling down at you as he peeped his head over the back of the couch. You smiled, sitting up to give him a kiss. "Hey how was the shoot?" you asked, making room for him to sit with you. He told you how they all had fun goofing off, and it went pretty well, and how the crew was great letting them all do whatever. Then he got a pretend serious look on his face, as if he was about to use his Peter Dickson voice, "So, are you excited about game night tonight?" he asked in a deep, booming voice, just as the X-Factor announcer's sounded. You giggled at his silliness; "Game night sounds fun!" he hadn't told you that part. You felt some of your nerves brush off now knowing everyone would just be having a good time playing childish board games and such. He kept his smile as he continued to play with your finger sweetly, "So what game would you like to bring?" he asked. Great, you had to choose. You tried to recall all the games that you had, and seemed to have one stand out the most, "Why not risk?" you asked. "That is a long game, but it will be fun when I beat everyone and take over the world" he said as if that were normal. You discussed other game possibilities for a while before he got a call, Zach wanting to know what game he shouldn't bring. Austin put him on conference call, letting you join the conversation. "Say hey to Cicci Zach !" Austin said into the phone, Zach did as he was told happily, and you said hey back, and he asked "So what game are you guys bringing?" You and Austin both laughed at how you still hadn't decided. "We aren't sure..." Austin admitted. And for the next half hour, you all spent it talking about what game to bring. You were happy because at least you already knew Zach when you showed up tonight.

Hi Cicci I hope this one is ok. I'm sorry for you long wait but I have been busy
I hope you like it. Feedback is always good. Don't forget to read my fanfic about Austin.

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