"The New Girl" Part 1.

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"HELP ME!!!!" You screamed, waking up breathless from a nightmare.
You took deep breathes to relax your self and opened you eyes to see two boys staring back at you.

"M...M... Minho..."
You said, bursting into tears.

"T... Tommy..."
You sobbed reaching in for a big hug.

"I cant believe your back y/n."
Thomas said, squeezing your hand. You noticed a tear roll down his cheek.

"We never thought you'd be back again, i couldnt live with myself." Minho choked, he was deeply upset.

You remember vaguely that you and Minho were trapped in the maze at night and you were smashed in the head by a grievers metal arm.

"How long has it been."
You said, looking up at them.

"4 months" Thomas answered.

You looked up at Minho and took his hand.

"Its been four months and you still havent solved this fucking maze yet?" You said, surprised. You and Minho had been so close to figuring out the maze.

"Not yet, I cant do it without you." Minho said sadly.

You suddenly remembered there were other people here too, not just you three.

"Where is everyone?"
"Wheres Newt?"

You desperately tried to climb out of bed, stumbling many times with the boys picking you up. After many tries you adjusted to your legs.

"How can i walk this well after being gone for so long?"
You ask curiously.

"The medjacks stretched your legs and did excercises with them every day, just incase you woke up."
Thomas answered.

"Well im going to find everyone." You said excitedly, as you made your way to the exit.


You heard voices say behind them. You ignored them, you were too excited to see everyone, including Chuck and Newt.

Excitement and happiness burst inside of you when you saw everybody in a group beside the campfire.

"Holy shit!"
"No way!"

People were shouting and pointing as you made your way over. You'd never felt so happy to be back with everyone.

Suddenly Minho grabbed your arm.
"Y/n go back inside."
You shook his hand of and ran (well limped) your way towards Chucks arms. Both of you had tears streaming down your cheeks.

Then you saw Newt.
You began running towards him, he noticed you, and he had an expression as if he had just seen a ghost.

"NEWT!" You squealed, reaching your arms out to hug him.

Suddenly someone pushed you back, knocking you onto the ground.

"We never thought you'd wake up. Oh, and you might want to learn how to stay away from things that arnt yours."

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