Chapter Twenty-five: Lost

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Lilac: My head... *She then realized that she was in the arms of a robot.* Who are you?!
*It did not say anything, it just continued on it's way.*

Amy: *She continued walking through what felt like an endless forest when she realized she was out of food.* Great... just what I needed. *She looks around then sees some fruit hanging from a high branch. She tries to reach it but it was too high up. She puts her satchel down and gets a running start. She runs up the tree, jumps off it, and barely catches the branch. She shifts closer to the fruit not realizing that the branch was bending getting ready to snap. She hears the branch slowly breaking and quickly grabs the fruit. She swings herself back to the tree right before the branch broke. She climbs back down and takes a breather.* That was a close one...
???: Ahh!!!
Amy: ?! *She grabs her satchel and runs toward the scream not realizing that she had left the fruit behind.*

Sonic: Where do you they could've gone?
Tails: Amy ran in the direction of a nearby forest as well as Lilac so hopefully they might have found each other.
Sonic: Do you have any way that we can find them?
Tails: We can't use the chaos emeralds because Amy has them, but what we can do is use my tracker to find them.
Sonic: Right, I forgot.
*Tails does a bit of tweaking to his tracker the suddenly a red light emerged from the tracker. The red light then turned into a line leading into the forest.*
Tails: This line will lead us straight to Amy, we just gotta get there before the battery dies.
Sonic: Nice! Let's get a move on! Once we find Amy, we'll find Lilac.

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